So if they keep lowering our fees, do they lower the fees to the people who are taking out the loans??? My guess is NO. Who gets to keep this additional profit that they make when we lower our fees and theirs stay the same or get higher - THEM. Why would we do them a favor and make less, then we did say even a few years ago, just to get a few measly searches - if that??? It just blows my mind sometimes when someone calls for fees and then practically hangs up on me when I quote them my price. I don't know who these people are, but they want a favor from ME??? They think I am unreasonable??? I'm trying to support my family, pay my bills, and put food on the table (not to mention running a business here). If we worked for someone, we would expect a raise. However being self-employed we are supposed to swallow what they offer and take LESS??? I hope more people keep saying NO to these fools so one day everything might balance out again.
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