Is this a letter that you are contemplating sending or one that you have already sent to a former client? I like the sentiment that is contained therein, but I think you should keep it more objective and not personalize this issue so much. The VM's do not care about how well you have served them in the past. All they care about is maximizing profit through increased demands for price reductions. In this business you are only as good as the last title search that you have performed.
I think you may have more success if you approach the problem from a position of strength. We are having a fairly good degree of success with bundling abstracting with closings and recordings. We do not perform abstracts unless we are also given the corresponding closings. When we are contacted for abstracting services we explain this to the VM. If we are contacted for the abstract, we would normally get the recording also, but we explain that they need to give us the closing in addition in return for an abstracting/recording fee that we both can live with. What we might choose to give up for the abstracting/recording fee we more than make up with the closing fee. If we are contacted to perform a closing, the abstract has usually already been perfomed, but we can often pick up the recording in addition to the closing in a package deal.
If you approach your VM's from a position of strength, bundle your services and demand some respect, I think you might be pleased with the results.
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