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[+] National Funding Services Inc - J Nisonger/CA (5 replies)
6/15/2006 12:20:48 AM (2867 views)

[+] Abstractor E&O - Lisa Dahlquist/NC (8 replies)
6/14/2006 7:59:17 PM (2978 views)

[+] Infinity International - Russ Frye/GA (27 replies)
6/14/2006 7:57:00 PM (3659 views)

[+] Black List for Bad Paying Companies - Scott Aduddell/MO (1 reply)
6/14/2006 11:26:52 AM (3330 views)

[+] Unpaid Invoices - Susan Nielsen/MN (1 reply)
6/14/2006 9:56:16 AM (3090 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Zen Title - Candis Richter/NJ (8 replies)
6/13/2006 6:06:40 PM (3372 views)

[+] CNN Article RE: Online Docs - Jarrod Clabaugh/OH (3 replies)
6/13/2006 3:54:14 PM (4070 views)

[+] Title Direct, St. Paul, MN - Anyone got their number - Scott Aduddell/MO (8 replies)
6/13/2006 3:32:07 PM (3302 views)

[-] Shameless Flaming - George Booth/OH (7 replies)
6/13/2006 11:54:56 AM (4430 views)
Re: Shameless Flaming - J Nisonger/CA
6/13/2006 12:31:14 PM (4355 views)

George... refresh my memory. Weren't you the one who sometime in the last few months praising outsourcing to India? If you are not please accept my apologies in advance.

By the way... I went to church with a really dear friend of mine a couple weeks ago. Yes it was a Christian church and no I am not a Christian. Well not exactly... I was born one and I was baptized so technically I guess you could claim me as one if you want. I am proud of that part of my heritage and family. My experience with most Christian churches is I am welcome... as I was there. Why I am even bothering to bring this up is my friend was wearing the most beautiful turban... you see hats are coming back in style. You might be careful you could be hurting the whole industry with your hat comments. You might be interested in knowing my friend makes her own hats... no oursourcing to the far east for that girl! Unfortunately her best customer are cancer patients but she doesn't charge them so guess they really are customers.

Sorry to go on so... I did run spell check for my portion of this note... did not want to take away the full impact of yours. I copied a couple of your posts here to help refresh your memory.

2/27/2006 12:28:09 PM (65 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - George Booth/OH
2/28/2006 1:41:56 PM (47 views)

Hello again everyone, this post has me somewhat concerned. I posted a few weeks ago what all of your ideas were on outsourcing of your final title policies. I got a limited but welcomed response. So I pose my question again to the forum in the hopes I can grab some insight on this sensitive subject.
My company specializes in producing final title policies for the lender or owner. We accept the file electronically with a fax cover sheet and any extra endorsements required. For us producing the policy is our sole business and we are very fast and efficient in doing so. The fact is, we do it for about half of what you or your company could do it for. So my question is, since we are an outsourcer who can do it faster and cheaper than you, would you choose not to do it simply because the taste it leaves in your mouth? Outsourcing has become a dirty word in America, but we need to look deeper into the origination of outsourcing. Americans unfortunately don't take pride in their work and frankly I have had title company owners tell me they don't produce an actual policy until the owner or lender ask for it because it saves them money to not produce it. So is my company who is willing to do the work no one else wants to do the evil outsourcer? I appreciate all your opinions and humbly await your replies.


Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - George Booth/OH
2/28/2006 2:11:36 PM (57 views)

Robert and Jason, thank you for replying. I believe there is a truly deeper issue at hand here. in my humble opinion I believe Americans for the most part have become a gluttenous society always thinking of how they can get ahead, get a price break, save a penny, undercut someone and generally have the opinion they are entitled to things. It costs an average of 5,000 extra to produce and American car because we pay the Union floor sweeper 60k a year to sit on his ass because the Union says he is entitled to it.
What happened to the days when people went to a bank or a beautician or a title company for instance, because they knew they were getting the best service, maybe at a higher price? If there wasn't a true need for outsourcing demanded by the consumer, there would never be a need for it. We as the consumers are just as responsible for the advent of outsourcing as the companies that utilize outsourcers. I think we should look inward first because we forced the companies that provide for us, to look outward. We can all do our part and buy American made products, but you need to realize yes it's gonna cost more. Therein will lie the activist versus the theologist.

Just my opinion by the way.


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Re: Shameless Flaming - George Booth/OH
6/13/2006 12:55:26 PM (4345 views)
Re: Shameless Flaming - J Nisonger/CA
6/13/2006 4:16:07 PM (5641 views)
Re: Shameless Flaming - Robert Franco/OH
6/13/2006 5:03:49 PM (4300 views)
Re: Shameless Flaming - Robert Franco/OH
6/13/2006 2:59:27 PM (4320 views)
Re: Shameless Flaming - J Nisonger/CA
6/13/2006 7:24:39 PM (4287 views)
Re: Shameless Flaming - LAWANDA  MCMILLIAN/AR
6/13/2006 8:34:49 PM (4280 views)

[+] Integrated Real Estate Processing - Jack Johanson/PA (4 replies)
6/12/2006 2:21:28 PM (10385 views)

[+] Identity Fraud - CNN - Lisa Ramsey/TX (5 replies)
6/11/2006 1:03:46 PM (4256 views)

[+] DRI Title and Escrow - J Nisonger/CA (10 replies)
6/10/2006 1:42:13 AM (3556 views)

[+] Abstractor Write-Up Programs - Todd Mathews/FL (1 reply)
6/9/2006 11:59:31 AM (3337 views)

Jarrod, another great article - Shannon Blatt/VA
6/8/2006 9:20:11 PM (2903 views)

[+] Things that make you wonder - Sam Borum/FL (11 replies)
6/8/2006 7:39:50 PM (3210 views)

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