Ok, those of us who know that you can't really "learn" how to be a "real" searcher/abstractor in one day know the book is hokum, especially if you are in a geographic area where you still have to actually go to the records room, pull out books and look things up (WHAT!??? THAT EXISTS TODAY IN 2006? Getouttaheah!)
However, I could see a 1 day course on pulling current owner searches. Especially if the records are all in one place (unlike NJ which has 3+ searches) and accessable via the internet.
I wouldn't really call that person an Abstractor though. And, why would I use an independent instead of training someone "in house" to do the same.
I guess the bottom line is: How many claims do you want to pay?
If it was all that easy, the banks would be self-insuring (remember that "sky is falling" concern a few years back?)
Anyone can call themselves anything. Just one more reason I think Abstractors should require education and licensing in all states.
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