What if we suggest "Abstracting Standards" on the forum and we kicked it around for consensus? For example, sound alike names, if feasible, should we show judgments on names that sound identical, (and if not feasible, because of computer restraints or other major problem, should we put on a disclaimer, saying we are NOT searching sound alike names?) Granted, we would not be able to agree on all standards, because of state differences, but there should be some broad commonality that we could work with.
(What triggered the post about Abstracting Standards, was the Mechanic's Lien question. In many states, Mechanic's Liens are the exception to the recording rule, and can attach before filing. As abstractors, we need to stay within certain "standards" because we cannot, as a practical matter, search back in time through previous owners, even though we know some ML's might be there. So the thought would be to set the standard of search for us - so we can all point to something, to show we were not neligent, but some things are outside our normal search parameters.)
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