Again Mr. Ahern you resort to debating with legal tactics of redirection and misleading statements. Full of lies and half truths.
You are Mr. Ahern a liberal whether you admit it or not, and if by the remote chance you are not a liberal, your a pacifist which is even worse. You arrogantly sit back and critique with your arm chair quarterback style lecturing about how you have a firm grasp on the world.
Comparing Jews to fundamental Islam? You should be ashamed. How in the world could you find a correlation between the two? This is a perfect example of liberal extremism.
By the way, when was the last time you were in the middle east? How exactly do you know the Taliban is rearing it's ugly head again? CNN maybe? I'm thinking I was probably over in the sand box last before you. I think our Spec Ops. guys are doing a pretty damn good job killing those bastards.
As far as my party relevance, you missed the point so I'll lay it out for you counselor. First off, I didnt say 54, I said the first death was in 54. Secondly it seems Democrats seem to stir the proverbal war pot and the republicans are always left holding the bag. Clinton had many opportunities to straighten things out, but instead was too busy in the White House bathroom to worry about things like global terrorism. Always the republicans are forced to finish the half-assed jobs that Democrats start.Vietnam, Iraq, I'm sure our next Dem pres will get us into some conflict.
I find your comments on Big Police rather interesting as well. I'll just say it again, Doing nothing is cowardly. Watching another country get pounded on by a ruthless dictator is cowardly. Letting N. Korea expand it's global threat without doing anything is cowardly. Same with Iran. You can rely on your eloquent sentence structure and fancy words to bash me all you want Mr. Ahern, I could do the same if I had time to sit infront of a thesaurus and contemplate the meaning of life. The simple fact is your words lack any substance or position. All I have read from you is critisism.
Iraq and Vietnam.... I just don't get the analogy. The two wars have never been so different, only the liberal media is stressing how similar they are. Most Americans approve of this War Mr. Ahern. In Vietnam they didn't. Even with constant media graphic coverage, we still stand united in supporting our troops and the President's Policy. can't you come on board for a little while and give your support? If my Nephew dies over there will you tell me he died for nothing? Do you really believe Iraq was never involved with weapons of mass destruction? Do you really believe they never harbored terrorist? Do you really believe Syria did not facilitate the removal of key figureheads and weapons from Iraq?
Come out of the rabbit hole Alice and take a look around. People around the world hate us. They hate us because we can come to a forum like this and say anything we want without repercussion from our government. Do you believe America is full of Godless decadent bastards and whores? Do you think 911 was justified in some manner? Do you think we had it coming? Our reaction was was not strong enough in my humble opinion. When the bully picks on you at school, you tell your older brother and he beats the crap out of him, that's how you react to todays global threats. Your soft complacent diplomatic approach has done nothing to protect us.
I don't know if you will ever get the point that the only answer to this type of violence, is bigger and badder violence.
Thank god GW was President at that time, he may not be the most eloquent speaker, but by god there is no question he has the guts to reach out and touch someone with a cruise missle when we needed to. I'm not a war monger Mr. Ahern, but damn you need to be a realist, get onboard with the program and lets support our cause so our troops can come home.
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