I see now- the insurance site made the announcement-there is nothing more on this to date- and the SCC controls "all" insurance matters in Virginia- the way it looks ,all insurance agents could have been exposed if the proper source code was used to hack into the site-this includes title insurance agents too- most of which are all registered by the company names they write title insurance for, so SSN's might not have been exposed for the title insurance agents, but I am not sure what was involved with this breach.
As far as the Va Watchdog site- my point there was that if I want to know something about Colin Powell- I don't even need to know or subscribe to the county site to get all this info- the "watchdog" supplies all of that on her web site-and all the personal info about numerous others that just might not feel the need to have their info published like she does-
I do agree that there needs to be more due diligence in the security of our online sites- and since they ask the question about whether we are US citizens, that might need to be a requirement too- maybe even a resident of the state in which the county is located. I still don't think the online systems or basic idea is bad- some of the "Open" accesses being provided don't help out either.
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