I feel compelled to respond to this thread.
I have been in this business for 36 years now. I consider myself a knowledgeable & careful abstractor & I have known many good abstractors, as well as some not so good. I too have never had a claim. For anyone to say that just because they have never had a claim, certainly does not mean that they have never missed something. I remember the first time I missed something. All of us that are honest with ourselves, I am sure can say the same. I had been searching for about a year & I was doing the filings for our company. I missed a recently filed $25,000 mortgage. It was hand written on the daily sheet on the recorders counter that we all read through right before filing. I miss-read the name & I missed it. I was devastated. I actually thought that I might have to pay the $25,000 myself. I was just newly married, to an Air Force Sgt. We were poor as Church Mice!! I did not know how I was going to pay for this mistake, especially if I got fired!! Fortunately for me, my supervisor did not fire me, as Kevin would have done. He certainly did not coddle me either. He instructed me to be more careful, made me aware of the position that I had placed the company, etc., etc. I was mortified. I was much more careful after that. In fact I was known to be a bit too careful at times!! About a year later when my husband was transferred, I left that company. My supervisor came to me & told me what a wonderful employee I was. He also told me that, they knew about my missed mortgage that was filed, ours was suppose to file after. The escrow officer had neglected to put a note on the file for me as to this fact. So she was (in the companies mind at fault also). But he knew that all good searchers have to go through this at one time or another. I have been grateful to him ever since. It made me a better abstractor.
Kevin, with all due respect, for you to imply that because someone is an attorney it makes them a more conscientious abstractors is very demeaning to the thousands of good abstractors out there who are not attorneys, and don't wish to be. I can tell you countless stories of attorney mistakes that I have been involved in over the years. Mistakes that I had to help fix. That doesn't mean that I think all attorneys are the same.
I am very happy for you not to have had any mistakes result in a claim. However, I am not convinced that there have been NO mistakes in 22 years. I think rather you have been very lucky. As we all have been over the years.
My point is. Yes, we all make mistakes!! I take the same road that Robert & Larry take. I would never fire a person for their first mistake. I would council & look at the training issue, & watch that person closely. They might turn into the best abstractor you ever hired.
But that is what I would do. Kevin is in charge of his business & runs it his way. We all need to make these decisions for ourselves.
Wanda Steudel
AccuSearch Co
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