you lied to me several times and you will continue to use searches until we unite and see you for what you are really doing. You are using small companies to feed your large client that pays you faithfully. You may not realize that refusing to pay a couple of thousand dollars could be the demise of a persons business because they extended credit to you on faith that you were honorable and you are not. You never had any problems getting your results, so why can't anyone get paid?? Your feeble exscuses are disgusting and your are jeopardizing peolpes livliehoods. And then to try to be personable and congrat someone on their child should be worse. To say that you knew enough about this searches personal life to have more that a strictly professional relationship and to still try to cheat them. Prepare yourself to pay my invoices because I too and mot going to wait for you false promises.. The oldest saying in the world "Check is in the Mail" and I fell for it...I am upset because I really must live in a bubble because you are my first and hopefully last client that has ever done this. I wish I would of read this first. I really did not know that there were people out there like this in this industry. You are worse than a common thief because you try to befriend people and con them and to hurry up and complete your searches before they are the wiser......BEWARE searchers she has a bulk order of searches for LAKE COUNTY INDIANA and I cancelled her orders and refuse to do any more of her work I have warned my friends locally and the courthouse is aware of her but you out of state searchers please bewareeeeeeeee
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