which makes me wonder, like we all wonder, if all this burden of responsibility and expense is on us, from licensing, understanding all the variances in each county's way of recording, traveling, copy costs, & E & O, why then does the independent make such a small part of the overall transaction pie in
Then attitudes and loyalty of some companies (not all), where you are looked down upon as someone soley to fetch for them, at their beckon call, wanting it yesterday, being easily disposed of, is contrary to our importance to what they do.
Almost all of my clients are good people but we all know of companies we come across, whether it turn s out to be a one-time shot, a brief relationship or a long-term deal, who are unbelievably demanding and then rarely live up to their end of the bargain regarding payment. Fly-by-nighters.
In the end, licensing is now required. I can adjust. It is bothersome to hear of ALTA's motives and that the licensing process here is not offered at all times, putting our ability to provide for our families at great risk.
That said, my client who is insisting on this is doing what they can to be patient with me, but their underwriter is demanding licensing soon. I don't believe I can hold them off long enough to get prepared and become "legal."
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