I had to do that twice today George. Someone for one of the major data miner companies hit me up to "find a deed back" last week. I gave them the benefit of a doubt. 3 more followed rapidly - they were obviously using my resources to finish their search. I suggested she open an account and send an order to me - and she politely went away.
The second is some new attorney at one of my existing clients who has decided to justify his existence. Besides sending a letter to sign saying I pledge my first born against any claims, he wants copies of any indices that I search. This is after I dropped 'everything' and drove 180 miles to do a search that their 'regular' abstractor couldn't get done. (No thank you - either). I told them to return the search and get someone else.
I have done this 26 years. My time and expertise is extremely valuable. When a tough order, tough time requirement, or a potential claim arises - I am the one they call. But I'm not doing it anymore for nothing. I have expanded my commercial coverage area and trying to do more 'projects and developments' for which I charge accordingly. But even that requires time away from home, late nights and a lot of weekends.
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