Wanda & Kurt,
I appreciate your insight. Never looked at things from that perspective. Always viewed the situation as them holding all the cards, holding work over my head like a dog biscuit and me wagging my tail, saying "please, yeah, yeah, please let me have it."
Sad, but true. They could talk down to you, like you're not a professional like they are (just some companies), demand things be done five minutes after you receive the order, be extremely late paying orders, then put the onus back on you for that problem, and yet, to stay in business, one had to subjugate their humanity and say, "yes sir/ma'am, may I have another."
I believe I'm going to, even if business is tight most times, politely say I will process their orders upon receiving payment for work lonnnnnnnnnng overdue from their own institued payment schedule, sometimes 30-90 days late.
Thanks for sharing.
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