Hi Shelby,
Thank you for sharing that story. I think a part of the problem is that the news reporting is impersonal and people don't relate to it if they don't know someone who has been affected. I am sorry to hear about your son and I hope its a mild case.
I am wearing a mask and requiring clients who must come to the office to wear them. People have so far been cooperative, but I can tell more and more people don't think its necessary. We are seeing several states with increasing cases since reopening and fewer and fewer people are taking precautions. I fear it will get worse.
Just this morning I heard that if you have mask you are 6 times less likely to spread the virus to someone else. If everyone would wear a mask, we'd probably see it virtually disappear in month or so. Meanwhile, the reopenings give people a false sense of safety - here is a good example from Florida.
Take care and stay safe!
Robert A. Franco
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