I appreciate the sentiment, but Robert, more and more I'm reading that masks do NOT do a bit of good unless they are of "medical quality" and actually seal. 99% of the masks the public wears does nothing to stop a virus upon exhaling and all you have to do is walk thru that bit of air within 20 minutes and you can be infected, even if you're wearing a mask yourself. In 2019, the CDC is estimating between 29,000 and 59,000 people in the U.S. died from flu. The average seems to be around 40,000 - 60,000 and has gone as high as 80,000.
The current number from Covid deaths is at 105,634 BUT I DON'T BUY IT. the stories you're hearing on the news and in print talking about hospitals being paid more if there is covid on the death certificate has proven to be true, and, in fact, I personally know two people whose elderly relatives died within the last 3 weeks, neither of them from covid, and BOTH have covid on their death certificates.
Flu shouldn't be taken lightly. A lot of people die every year from flu and having had a Type A (Bangkok Flu) in 1980 and truly the sickest I have ever been (but fortunately in my 20's and otherwise healthy), I understand why. But are we going to shut down our economy and the ramifications of that every time there is an epidemic....which there is every year? And what harm are we doing to our immune systems with all the sanitizing and paranoia about contamination?
The continuous shredding of the rights within the Constitution has got to stop because I don't want this to be the "new normal." It is unnecessary and seems to be driven by power mad government. We are one very small step from martial law (Martial law is the imposition of direct military control of normal civil functions or suspension of civil law by a government, especially in response to a temporary emergency where civil forces are overwhelmed, or in an occupied territory.)
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