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HAPPY HALLOWEEN - Angelica Schneider/IN
10/31/2006 12:40:16 PM (1748 views)

[-] Contemporary Realty Speaks to Vendors Day - Ted Lannon/MA (37 replies)
10/31/2006 11:52:33 AM (2559 views)
Re: Contemporary Realty Speaks to Vendors Day - Jim Girardi/NY
10/31/2006 2:03:24 PM (2028 views)
Re: Contemporary Realty Speaks to Vendors Day - Ted Lannon/MA
10/31/2006 4:28:14 PM (2131 views)
Re: Contemporary Realty Speaks to Vendors Day - Jim Girardi/NY
11/1/2006 12:46:30 PM (2022 views)
Re: Contemporary Realty Speaks to Vendors Day - Ted Lannon/MA
11/1/2006 2:29:05 PM (2058 views)
Re: Contemporary Realty Speaks to Vendors Day - Jim Girardi/NY
11/1/2006 3:33:16 PM (1955 views)
Re: Contemporary Realty Speaks to Vendors Day - Loretta Reed/MD
10/31/2006 10:23:26 PM (1941 views)
Re: Contemporary Realty Speaks to Vendors Day - Wendi See/SC
11/1/2006 10:54:44 AM (1909 views)
Re: Contemporary Realty Speaks to Vendors Day - Jim Girardi/NY
11/1/2006 11:14:19 AM (1902 views)
Re: Contemporary Realty Speaks to Vendors Day - Robert Franco/OH
11/1/2006 11:29:42 AM (1922 views)
Re: Contemporary Realty Speaks to Vendors Day - Kevin Ahern/CT
11/1/2006 11:35:57 AM (1909 views)
Re: Contemporary Realty Speaks to Vendors Day - Robert Franco/OH
11/1/2006 11:50:10 AM (1910 views)
Re: Contemporary Realty Speaks to Vendors Day - Jim Girardi/NY
11/1/2006 11:51:35 AM (1880 views)
Re: Contemporary Realty Speaks to Vendors Day - Kevin Ahern/CT
11/1/2006 12:31:01 PM (1898 views)
Re: Contemporary Realty Speaks to Vendors Day - Wendi See/SC
11/1/2006 12:57:20 PM (1925 views)
Re: Contemporary Realty Speaks to Vendors Day - Robert Franco/OH
11/1/2006 2:06:39 PM (1937 views)
Re: Contemporary Realty Speaks to Vendors Day - Ted Lannon/MA
11/1/2006 12:30:50 PM (1888 views)
Re: Contemporary Realty Speaks to Vendors Day - Loretta Reed/MD
11/1/2006 3:36:11 PM (1891 views)
Re: Contemporary Realty Speaks to Vendors Day - Kurt deVries/FL
11/1/2006 3:49:17 PM (1878 views)
Re: Contemporary Realty Speaks to Vendors Day - Jim Girardi/NY
11/1/2006 3:55:33 PM (1985 views)
Re: Contemporary Realty Speaks to Vendors Day - Jim Girardi/NY
11/1/2006 3:58:59 PM (2144 views)
Enough already... - Jay Duncan/MO
11/1/2006 4:43:43 PM (2038 views)

The man was asked to communicate with the abstractors that were owed money...it was done.  What other company has stepped forward in such a manner?

To improve communications the company set up a special forum for those that are owned money.  What other company has done this?

When asked for a plan on how the back invoices were going to be paid...it was done.  Not everyone was excited about the plan and had their own ideas for the plan, but a plan was presented...and it is their company to work through their financial problems.  What other company has come public and shared their plan for getting back on track?

They picked April 2006 to work forward and backward from.  No matter what date was picked there were going to be people who were not going to be happy about. 

Continual negative posts is not going to help anyone, if you already have a opinion about CRS then it won't change no matter what they do. 

Suggestions presented in a positive manner I am sure will be considered, but who would want to listen to bashing all the time?

Sue them if you wish, drive them out of business and most likely get nothing or see if their plan works.  Yes we all have food to put on the table and need to be dilligent on our collections, not wait until it is too large, it is a part of doing business, the risk of bad debt, every business faces it.  Good companies, as well as bad, large and small go out of business everyday. 

Never work for them again, your choice, your business. 

I am not parading to or for CRS, but remeber CMS, when they just decided to leave everyone high and dry? (or broke)...and Bridgespan?  No notice, no warning, just disappeared.

Give the plan a couple months to see if it works.  If it does great, abstractors get paid and CRS employees remain employeed.  If not the invoices that haven't paid remain that way without any additional loses and CRS will not have anyone doing work for them.

If and when you do get paid will you be willing to come back and post you got paid...possibley thank them for not cutting and running?

We, as abstractors, want to be consider professionals, but is this how professionals post on public forums for our clients to see?

...and yes CRS owes us money as well and I am willing to see if the plan works.


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Re: Enough already... - Wendi See/SC
11/1/2006 5:31:02 PM (2010 views)
Re: Enough already... - Jay Duncan/MO
11/1/2006 6:01:12 PM (1899 views)
Re: Enough already... - Wendi See/SC
11/1/2006 6:24:23 PM (1834 views)
Re: Enough already... - Loretta Reed/MD
11/1/2006 6:08:12 PM (1964 views)
Re: Enough already... - Jay Duncan/MO
11/1/2006 6:17:50 PM (1855 views)
Re: Enough already... - Wendi See/SC
11/1/2006 6:52:25 PM (1842 views)
Re: Enough already... - Angelica Schneider/IN
11/1/2006 6:56:52 PM (1892 views)
Re: Enough already... - Wendi See/SC
11/1/2006 7:13:30 PM (1857 views)
Re: Enough already... - Jan Forster/NC
11/1/2006 8:16:40 PM (1844 views)
Re Jim's: Unbelievalbe Ted - Ted Lannon/MA
11/1/2006 9:05:16 PM (1970 views)
Re: Re Jim's: Unbelievalbe Ted - Angelica Schneider/IN
11/2/2006 12:28:35 AM (1829 views)
Re: Re Jim's: Unbelievalbe Ted - Jim Girardi/NY
11/3/2006 10:33:02 AM (1885 views)
Re: Re Jim's: Unbelievalbe Ted - Kevin Ahern/CT
11/3/2006 10:53:44 AM (1823 views)
Re: Re Jim's: Unbelievalbe Ted - george Hubka/MI
11/6/2006 7:37:03 PM (1846 views)
Re: Contemporary Realty Speaks to Vendors Day - george Hubka/MI
11/6/2006 6:58:25 PM (1779 views)
Re: Contemporary Realty Speaks to Vendors Day - Jay K/MD
11/2/2006 8:30:47 AM (1829 views)

[+] Contemporary Realty - Involuntary Bankruptcy - Rich M/ME (6 replies)
10/30/2006 9:05:07 PM (2372 views)

[+] U.S. LAND TITLE - Smitty Strickland/SC (16 replies)
10/30/2006 11:40:02 AM (2645 views)

[+] Contemporary Realty Payment Forum - David Bloys/TX (12 replies)
10/28/2006 10:36:01 AM (3561 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Sorry...not really - Jay Duncan/MO (6 replies)
10/27/2006 5:37:08 PM (2169 views)

[+] Housing Prices Decline - Kevin Ahern/CT (14 replies)
10/27/2006 5:28:54 AM (2230 views)

[+] ATTN: Firefox users - slade smith/OH (1 reply)
10/26/2006 9:41:52 AM (2108 views)

[+] Elections Website Exposed Over 1 Million Voters to Identity Theft and Voter Fraud - David Bloys/TX (3 replies)
10/25/2006 11:51:35 PM (2915 views)

[+] 10 Tips on Hiring Your Clients - Jan Forster/NC (2 replies)
10/23/2006 2:22:26 AM (3345 views)

[+] Title Camp - Sara Leamon/NC (12 replies)
10/22/2006 8:33:25 PM (2388 views)

Title Camp - Wendi See/SC
10/22/2006 7:24:52 PM (1804 views)

[+] First American - Danielle Nelson/WI (5 replies)
10/20/2006 5:14:37 PM (2526 views)

Title Camp Reminder - Robert Franco/OH
10/20/2006 4:19:45 PM (2715 views)

[+] Follow-up on Absolute Property, Question - Mike/KS (11 replies)
10/20/2006 1:37:42 PM (2385 views)

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