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[+] AccuQuick Abstracting, Inc. - Christine Sheeler/PA (4 replies)
12/26/2006 2:16:18 PM (2155 views)

[+] An Absolute present... - monica froese/ME (4 replies)
12/22/2006 6:45:46 PM (1936 views)

[+] NALTEA Conference Update! - Robert Franco/OH (1 reply)
12/22/2006 5:06:32 PM (2874 views)

[+] "For unto us a child is born... - Scott Perry/PA (13 replies)
12/22/2006 4:41:22 PM (2011 views)

[+] Think you've had a bad day? - David Bloys/TX (1 reply)
12/22/2006 3:16:20 PM (3146 views)

Real Title Services

[+] DRI Title-- clarification - Patrick Tarr/NE (4 replies)
12/21/2006 1:50:25 PM (2258 views)

[+] Nasco and Land Am - Rebecca Barney/FL (2 replies)
12/21/2006 12:32:15 PM (2158 views)

[-] DRI Title & Escrow-- payment problems - Patrick Tarr/NE (12 replies)
12/20/2006 7:53:54 PM (2291 views)
Re: DRI Title & Escrow-- payment problems - Jan Forster/NC
12/21/2006 8:48:46 AM (2323 views)
Re: DRI Title & Escrow-- payment problems - Patrick Tarr/NE
12/21/2006 10:33:05 AM (2205 views)

I am glad that you havent had the problems I have with DRI.  It has only been recently that I have had to deal with Michelle in accounting.  Prior to this I always spoke with Diane.  She was always very nice and seemed to do her best when I had past due invoices.  Michelle was nice in her email to me, but the fact was, she wasnt truthful.  I did speak to someone named Lisa who is supposed to be a supervisor there.  She was quite unfriendly and kept giving me this attitude like I am the a-hole for wanting to be paid.  Then to top it off, I was told that they were complaining about me all day.  All I wanted was some kind of assurance that they would try to correct whatever error is causing me to not get paid, so that I wouldnt have to contact them 6 or 7 times in order to get paid.  It took me 7 attempts to get paid for these invoices.  And then it was only because I refused to do their work until I got paid.  If I am to believe them, they say the problem is that the invoices arent getting to the accounting dept.  That means that the problem is on their end.  But rather than tell me they will do their best to correct it, they tell me what I can do to make sure I get paid.  Sorry, I am not a babysitter!!  I do my job, I expect them to do theirs.  I cant waste all of my time with clients that I have to follow up every order to try to get paid.  Besides, when I did follow up (numerous times), they ignored me and then outright lied to me about payment already being sent out.  I have the email from Michelle on the 13th saying a check would go out that day, another email from the 19th saying that it did go out on the 15th, and then the envelope postmarked the 19th as proof that what I am saying is true.  As I said, I am glad you have had no problems, but I have had plenty and thought it was important to share with the others here.  When a company outright lies about payments, I think it is important for others to know.  I stopped working for Comtemporary Realty some time back, and judging from some of the posts I have seen here, I probably should have told everyone about them at that time.  If we dont look out for each other, no one else will in this business.  Thanks for reading my post.

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Re: DRI Title & Escrow-- payment problems - Nita Farrow/FL
12/21/2006 2:25:09 PM (2283 views)
Re: DRI Title & Escrow-- payment problems - Patrick Tarr/NE
12/21/2006 2:53:47 PM (2310 views)
Re: DRI Title & Escrow-- payment problems - DEED RESEARCH INC./NE
12/21/2006 12:52:26 PM (2359 views)
Re: DRI Title & Escrow-- payment problems - Kevin Ahern/CT
12/21/2006 1:42:19 PM (2187 views)
Re: DRI Title & Escrow-- payment problems - Patrick Tarr/NE
12/21/2006 1:54:52 PM (2200 views)
Re: DRI Title & Escrow-- payment problems - DEED RESEARCH INC./NE
12/21/2006 2:00:16 PM (2213 views)
Re: DRI Title & Escrow-- payment problems - Patrick Tarr/NE
12/21/2006 3:08:33 PM (2307 views)
Re: DRI Title & Escrow-- payment problems - Patrick Tarr/NE
12/21/2006 2:38:43 PM (2176 views)
Re: DRI Title & Escrow-- payment problems - Angelica Schneider/IN
12/21/2006 7:40:35 PM (2394 views)
Re: DRI Title & Escrow-- payment problems - Patrick Tarr/NE
12/21/2006 8:57:59 PM (2195 views)

Southern Title Resources - Leroy & Sue Lewis/GA
12/20/2006 6:45:51 PM (1612 views)

[+] Contemporary Realty - Kurt deVries/FL (3 replies)
12/20/2006 3:26:33 PM (1996 views)

[+] Non-payment Reliable Property - Joanie Hahr/VT (3 replies)
12/20/2006 12:24:19 PM (2130 views)

[+] ValuAmerica-need feedback - Chris Konzel/NY (6 replies)
12/19/2006 9:10:00 PM (2211 views)

[+] Tapestry / Laredo - Danielle Nelson/WI (2 replies)
12/19/2006 1:20:41 PM (2058 views)

[+] Closeline - Norean Cashwell/GA (2 replies)
12/19/2006 7:17:30 AM (2052 views)

[+] Default Detect? - David Bloys/TX (1 reply)
12/18/2006 11:51:50 PM (1897 views)

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