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[+] Badger Title - Danielle Nelson/WI (3 replies)
2/7/2007 11:42:54 AM (2006 views)

[+] Absolute revisited... - Loretta Reed/MD (18 replies)
2/6/2007 7:31:03 PM (2143 views)

[+] 4 numbers that stand between you and your criminal clone - David Bloys/TX (2 replies)
2/5/2007 7:03:06 PM (2826 views)

[+] New York pulls personal data from web - Robert Breakell/CT (3 replies)
2/5/2007 6:38:51 PM (1825 views)

[+] Save Our Land Records - David Bloys/TX (1 reply)
2/5/2007 4:56:24 PM (2991 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Consumer Reports Investigation:The Government Is Trafficking in Your Privacy - David Bloys/TX (2 replies)
2/5/2007 4:45:22 PM (2710 views)

[+] Where is everybody? - Deborah Manion/VA (4 replies)
2/5/2007 9:52:51 AM (1933 views)

[+] NALTEA Conference Pictures... - Robert Franco/OH (5 replies)
1/30/2007 2:39:59 PM (2872 views)

[+] Office networking - Wendi See/SC (4 replies)
1/29/2007 1:58:54 PM (1887 views)

[+] Is Eclipse really old Absolute??? - george Hubka/MI (33 replies)
1/28/2007 2:33:10 PM (2302 views)

[+] Paccorp - J Nisonger/CA (7 replies)
1/27/2007 4:45:40 AM (3334 views)

[+] Unreliable Index - Robert Franco/OH (6 replies)
1/26/2007 1:16:49 PM (2086 views)

nationwide court servies brokers abstract title works arlene nelson - ANTHONY MUZIO/NY
1/25/2007 7:35:32 PM (1660 views)

[-] ACS Founder's Social Security Number Found Online - David Bloys/TX (5 replies)
1/25/2007 2:19:33 PM (2986 views)
Re: ACS Founder's Social Security Number Found Online - Wanda Steudel/OH
1/25/2007 2:44:08 PM (1889 views)
Re: ACS Founder's Social Security Number Found Online - David Bloys/TX
1/25/2007 3:11:24 PM (1917 views)
Re: ACS Founder's Social Security Number Found Online - David Bloys/TX
1/25/2007 3:21:37 PM (4250 views)
Re: ACS Founder's Social Security Number Found Online - George Booth/OH
1/26/2007 9:22:38 AM (4379 views)
Re: ACS Founder's Social Security Number Found Online - Jan Forster/NC
1/26/2007 1:18:44 PM (1914 views)

Thanks, all.  But it's tough to take much credit when ACS, Hart-Intercivic, and companies like them make my job so easy.  Last night I focused on the entertainment industry and found so many so quickly that I tired of taking notes and went to bed early, assured there would be no problem picking up later where I left off.

A whistleblower at Hart-Intercivic, William Singer "revealed a myriad of known problems inside both the company and in several states and counties with whom they do business".

The Texas Secretary of State received a letter of complaint from Singer after Singer was sent to Tarrant County to attend elections in 2004. 

Part of the letter states, "What I winessed at Tarrant County, what I was subjected to, what I was expected to do in order to 'pull off' an election, was far beyond the kind of practices that I believe should be standard and accepted in the election industry and I was baffled by Robert Parten's [election administrator] continued work with these election companies; even after admissions of concealing software problems, inappropriate pressure, hints of backroom deals, and poor support".

The Tarrant County / Hart-Intercivic snafu resulted in an additional 100,000 errant votes during the 2004 election. Similar letters were sent to other states where Hart is utilized. The letters, all warnings, and complaints, were ignored. 

Anyone interested in switching jerseys, which could literally help turn this industry (and possibly the next election?) around, should get in touch. 

Thanks for the info on the above companies, George. Will read more about them tonight.


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[+] foreclosures/estates - Wanda Steudel/OH (13 replies)
1/25/2007 10:31:37 AM (1880 views)

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