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[+] Badger Title - Danielle Nelson/WI (3 replies)
2/7/2007 11:42:54 AM (2004 views)

[+] Absolute revisited... - Loretta Reed/MD (18 replies)
2/6/2007 7:31:03 PM (2142 views)

[+] 4 numbers that stand between you and your criminal clone - David Bloys/TX (2 replies)
2/5/2007 7:03:06 PM (2824 views)

[+] New York pulls personal data from web - Robert Breakell/CT (3 replies)
2/5/2007 6:38:51 PM (1825 views)

[+] Save Our Land Records - David Bloys/TX (1 reply)
2/5/2007 4:56:24 PM (2991 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Consumer Reports Investigation:The Government Is Trafficking in Your Privacy - David Bloys/TX (2 replies)
2/5/2007 4:45:22 PM (2710 views)

[+] Where is everybody? - Deborah Manion/VA (4 replies)
2/5/2007 9:52:51 AM (1932 views)

[+] NALTEA Conference Pictures... - Robert Franco/OH (5 replies)
1/30/2007 2:39:59 PM (2872 views)

[+] Office networking - Wendi See/SC (4 replies)
1/29/2007 1:58:54 PM (1887 views)

[+] Is Eclipse really old Absolute??? - george Hubka/MI (33 replies)
1/28/2007 2:33:10 PM (2302 views)

[+] Paccorp - J Nisonger/CA (7 replies)
1/27/2007 4:45:40 AM (3334 views)

[+] Unreliable Index - Robert Franco/OH (6 replies)
1/26/2007 1:16:49 PM (2086 views)

nationwide court servies brokers abstract title works arlene nelson - ANTHONY MUZIO/NY
1/25/2007 7:35:32 PM (1660 views)

[+] ACS Founder's Social Security Number Found Online - David Bloys/TX (5 replies)
1/25/2007 2:19:33 PM (2983 views)

[-] foreclosures/estates - Wanda Steudel/OH (13 replies)
1/25/2007 10:31:37 AM (1877 views)

Now I realize that both foreclosures and estates are conducted differently in different areas, but a searcher I know just ran across something that I found interesting, here in Ohio. 

He was given a property address & a name to search for a foreclosure search.  While doing the search, he discovered that the current grantee was deceased.  He reported the estate, got the document the client required, ran the clerk of courts & did not find anything more.

When asked to do an update, he knew that he should find a foreclosure, but in running clerk of courts every way he could think of, he found none.  Upon calling his client, he discovered that the foreclosure was filed against the executor of the estate (as an individual).  The indexing only had the executors name listed.  His question was, "How was he suppose to find this"  He tried every way he could think of to run  the deceased person, heirs of, estate of, her name only----Nothing comes up!!  So does this mean that we have to run the executors names on all of our searches? 

Personally I think that this was a mistake on the part of the person filing the foreclosure and the clerk of courts in indexing.  But unfortunately we as abstractors seem to be running into more and more of this sort of problem.  I would like to see someone do this one "on-line".

Wanda Steudel
AccuSearch Co.

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Re: foreclosures/estates - Wendi See/SC
1/25/2007 11:23:46 AM (2011 views)
Re: foreclosures/estates - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/25/2007 12:47:40 PM (1882 views)
Re: foreclosures/estates - Robert Franco/OH
1/25/2007 2:04:27 PM (1960 views)
Re: foreclosures/estates - Wanda Steudel/OH
1/25/2007 2:37:31 PM (2019 views)
Re: foreclosures/estates - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/25/2007 3:34:42 PM (2022 views)
Re: foreclosures/estates - Michaela Urban/OH
1/25/2007 2:38:50 PM (1998 views)
Re: foreclosures/estates - Wanda Steudel/OH
1/25/2007 2:51:51 PM (1840 views)
Re: foreclosures/estates - Robert Franco/OH
1/25/2007 3:11:21 PM (1930 views)
Re: foreclosures/estates - STEVE MEINECKE/VA
1/25/2007 4:10:44 PM (2047 views)
Re: foreclosures/estates - george Hubka/MI
1/28/2007 2:48:27 PM (1953 views)
Re: foreclosures/estates - Lynn Hammett/SC
1/26/2007 10:59:25 AM (2005 views)
Re: foreclosures/estates - Wanda Steudel/OH
1/26/2007 12:14:58 PM (1993 views)
Re: foreclosures/estates - Douglas Gallant/OH
1/27/2007 2:27:43 PM (1978 views)

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