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Update - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/21/2007 7:38:44 AM (1725 views)

[-] Does Existing Ohio Law Prohibit AfBAs in Ohio? - Henry Hessler/OH (2 replies)
2/20/2007 5:04:41 PM (2512 views)
Re: Does Existing Ohio Law Prohibit AfBAs in Ohio? - Patrick Scott/IL
2/21/2007 9:44:42 AM (2340 views)
Greetings form the choir, to whom you preach.  Looks like the scheme works a little bit differently here in Illinois.  Here, a lender or mortgage broker may set up a separate business entity to act as a title agent (which is defined in the Illinois Title Insurance Act).

There are requirements designed to ensure that the "agency" is not a sham business, existing only to facilitate kickbacks to the broker.  The agent must be located in a separate office with separate phone and fax numbers.  It must have at least one employee who is not aslo an employee of the broker.

This, of course, is all nonsense and window dressing.  In my opinion, it only serves to further deceive the borrower.  It is standard practice here for brokers to order title on a refinance transaction.  While they are not allowed to keep "preferred lists", you can bet they are simply placing the order with their own company, probably located in their closet.

The "agent" sets and receives the premium (minus a percentage to be remitted to the underwriter) and receives the endorsement fees.  The underwriter, or affiliated entity, gets to sell a title search and provide closing and escrow services.  Essentially, it means more work and less margin for the underwriter.  The loss of margin is presumably made up for in volume.

There has been some handwringing by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, Division of Financial Institutions / Title Insurance Section (IDFPR) (quite a mouthful, eh?) about whether these affiliated "agents" are actually performing a "core title service" (determination of insurability of title) as required by the Title Insurance Act.  A flurry of audits around this time last year determined that "some" (all, perhaps?) of the so-called "agents" were simply receiving a title commitment labled "Title Search" to sign and return to the underwriter.  The signature being the "core title service" that merited 80% of the premium and all endorsement fees.

The IDFPR came down hard on these practices.  It issued a memo or two(which no longer appear to be posted on the IDFPR website).  I am not aware of any actual disciplinary action taken.

These sham arrangements have been marketed here for years.  I believe that they violate, at the very least, the spirit of RESPA, if not the letter of the law.  I don't think that cautionary memos suffice as enforcement. 

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Re: Does Existing Ohio Law Prohibit AfBAs in Ohio? - John Povejsil/MN
2/26/2007 10:18:22 AM (2208 views)

Title Standards - Robert Franco/OH
2/20/2007 11:33:57 AM (1766 views)

Vanguard Documents? - C Y/NY
2/20/2007 8:14:08 AM (1697 views)

[+] Inzura- payment issues anyone? - Nathan Miller/KY (5 replies)
2/19/2007 6:26:09 PM (2040 views)

Real Title Services

Tri-County Title - who are they? - Nathan Miller/KY
2/19/2007 5:50:47 PM (1702 views)

[+] Are you losing out on new clients? - Robert Franco/OH (1 reply)
2/19/2007 3:41:02 PM (2240 views)

[+] Lenders Watching Chevy Chase Lawsuit - Scott Perry/PA (10 replies)
2/19/2007 12:25:36 PM (3326 views)

[+] ALTA Code of Ethics??? - Ethics/OH (1 reply)
2/18/2007 8:24:12 PM (3217 views)

Alleged Conspirators Respond to Foiled County Takeover - David Bloys/TX
2/18/2007 7:52:24 PM (3132 views)

[+] Great George Burns Quotation - Kevin Ahern/CT (10 replies)
2/16/2007 11:17:37 AM (2026 views)

Greek Accounting... - Robert Franco/OH
2/15/2007 10:55:30 AM (1603 views)

[+] Attention: Ohio is Closed! - Robert Franco/OH (5 replies)
2/14/2007 11:25:03 AM (2039 views)

[+] Refi - J Nisonger/CA (7 replies)
2/12/2007 9:01:16 PM (1961 views)

[+] edit of informatiom - A Johnson/TX (4 replies)
2/12/2007 11:16:28 AM (1992 views)

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