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Are you Educated on the Possibilities of Technology? - Kyle Steele/FL
3/29/2007 1:32:40 PM (2710 views)
Re: Are you Educated on the Possibilities of Technology? - Patrick Scott/IL
3/29/2007 2:19:28 PM (3715 views)
Re: Are you Educated on the Possibilities of Technology? - Kyle Steele/FL
3/29/2007 3:13:14 PM (3788 views)
Re: Are you Educated on the Possibilities of Technology? - Patrick Scott/IL
3/29/2007 10:22:38 PM (3738 views)
Re: Are you Educated on the Possibilities of Technology? - Robert Franco/OH
3/30/2007 7:48:26 PM (3735 views)

Mortgage Sats from out of business lenders! HELP - Shannon Finnessy/WI
3/28/2007 5:28:51 PM (2874 views)
Re: Mortgage Sats from out of business lenders! HELP - Jay Duncan/MO
3/28/2007 6:04:37 PM (3783 views)
Re: Mortgage Sats from out of business lenders! HELP - Patrick Scott/IL
3/29/2007 12:33:16 AM (3941 views)
Re: Mortgage Sats from out of business lenders! HELP - Whitney Lewis/FL
3/29/2007 9:02:46 AM (3942 views)
Re: Mortgage Sats from out of business lenders! HELP - Anita Backlund/MN
3/29/2007 11:22:57 AM (5600 views)
Re: Mortgage Sats from out of business lenders! HELP - John Povejsil/MN
3/30/2007 7:25:45 AM (5493 views)
Re: Mortgage Sats from out of business lenders! HELP - Dexter Jung/TX
4/2/2007 10:46:24 AM (3809 views)
Re: Mortgage Sats from out of business lenders! HELP - george Hubka/MI
4/2/2007 4:03:52 PM (3774 views)

Ads... - Robert Franco/OH
3/28/2007 11:38:21 AM (2651 views)
Re: Ads... - Ben Kohnen/WI
3/28/2007 1:28:43 PM (3610 views)
Re: Ads... - Deborah Manion/VA
3/30/2007 1:58:18 PM (3615 views)
Re: Ads... - Shannon Blatt/VA
3/31/2007 9:03:46 AM (3624 views)

Whats the Difference? - Robert Delli-Veneri/FL
3/28/2007 9:48:55 AM (2765 views)
Re: Whats the Difference? - Dave Pell/GA
3/28/2007 10:38:31 AM (3651 views)
Re: Whats the Difference? - George Booth/OH
3/28/2007 11:44:39 AM (3711 views)
Re: Whats the Difference? - Robert Delli-Veneri/FL
3/28/2007 1:11:50 PM (3660 views)
Re: Whats the Difference? - Robert Franco/OH
3/28/2007 1:23:43 PM (3713 views)
Re: Whats the Difference? - George Booth/OH
3/28/2007 3:18:27 PM (3602 views)
Re: Whats the Difference? - Ben Kohnen/WI
3/28/2007 1:37:47 PM (3568 views)
Re: Whats the Difference? - Robert Franco/OH
3/28/2007 2:30:49 PM (3574 views)
Re: Whats the Difference? - Dave Pell/GA
3/28/2007 2:50:11 PM (3631 views)
Re: Whats the Difference? - Robert Delli-Veneri/FL
3/28/2007 6:08:00 PM (3591 views)
Re: Whats the Difference? - David Bloys/TX
3/28/2007 6:32:44 PM (3607 views)
Re: Whats the Difference? - Ben Kohnen/WI
3/28/2007 7:54:04 PM (3563 views)
Re: Whats the Difference? - George Booth/OH
3/29/2007 12:02:26 PM (3637 views)

I'm finding the path of this discussion troubling.


My computer, the courthouse computer...

The fact of the matter is, the computer is nothing but an instrument to double check our work and give us a foundation on which to follow loosely. The documents themselves give me my chain of title. Not an index on a computer. I didn't put the index there, I didn't type it in. I don't know the person who typed it in, therefore due to my paranoid personality, I find every computer index suspect. I would only accept a true dilligent chain of title to be found within the recorded documents themselves.

Even more troubling is I find most examiners in their quest for a paycheck tend to take shortcuts in their work. When is the last time you saw an examiner take out a protractor in the courthouse? I know most of Florida is lot and block and has been since the beginnings of that Statehood, but what about double checking the legal on the deed compared to the mortgage. How about the legal on the assignment?

If we are taking the index at face value, does that mean we are not even looking at the document? Do we have a valid notary stamp? Prior to X year did you have 2 signatures? Is this person even qualified to sign as an agent of the corp? Did you pull their articles of incorporation? Then run that person through probate and clerk of courts? There are a million things an examiner must do during the course of an exam that just pop up.

So, to answer your question more suscinctly, no, I absolutely do not think and Indian person who is not living in the County they are searching can do the job.

Last note, in Medina County, Oh. The clerk does not allow online viewing of documents. How then do you read a divorce decree? Many Counties probate is not online, but the rest of the County is.


The entire system sucks and it's examiners taking work from xyz company or whoever just to make a buck that are tying their own noose. Every time you do a search for one of these companies, you are adding to your own demise. The more information they gather, the less useful you are. I would hope anyone that reads this gets the picture plain and clear. Accepting work from overseas outsourcers is killing your industry, your livelihood and eventually your own job.



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Re: Whats the Difference? - Norean Cashwell/GA
3/30/2007 9:56:50 AM (3691 views)
Re: Whats the Difference? - Anne Gilbert/VT
3/30/2007 9:24:05 AM (3722 views)
Re: Whats the Difference? - Robert Delli-Veneri/FL
3/30/2007 10:17:33 AM (3655 views)

Scanning Software - Glenda Hodge/TN
3/27/2007 8:32:31 PM (2563 views)
Re: Scanning Software - SHARON YAHRAES/ID
3/27/2007 8:41:22 PM (3701 views)
Re: Scanning Software - Robert Franco/OH
3/27/2007 9:31:52 PM (6358 views)
Re: Scanning Software - Jay Duncan/MO
3/28/2007 7:16:15 AM (5750 views)
Re: Scanning Software - David Jenkins/PA
3/28/2007 12:49:57 PM (3608 views)

Real Title Services

Reliable Property Reports - Lynn Hammett/SC
3/27/2007 4:54:23 PM (2715 views)
Re: Reliable Property Reports - Anne Gilbert/VT
3/30/2007 9:11:39 AM (3668 views)
Re: Reliable Property Reports - Loretta Reed/MD
3/31/2007 10:20:31 AM (3693 views)

Lenders Services Direct ??? - george Hubka/MI
3/26/2007 5:44:03 PM (2793 views)
Re: Lenders Services Direct ??? - chris/SC
3/27/2007 4:34:58 PM (3684 views)
Re: Lenders Services Direct ??? - Wendi See/SC
3/27/2007 6:12:12 PM (3797 views)
Re: Lenders Services Direct ??? - SHARON YAHRAES/ID
3/27/2007 8:15:59 PM (3683 views)
Re: Lenders Services Direct ??? - JOSEPH MARTINEZ/NM
4/2/2007 11:43:05 AM (3570 views)
Re: Lenders Services Direct ??? - Lori Cassidy/CT
3/28/2007 9:12:50 AM (3600 views)
Re: Lenders Services Direct ??? - Becky Kale/IL
3/29/2007 5:49:57 PM (3543 views)
Re: Lenders Services Direct ??? - JOSEPH MARTINEZ/NM
4/2/2007 11:35:45 AM (3519 views)

National Deed Service could face investigation - David Bloys/TX
3/23/2007 8:19:07 PM (3627 views)
Re: National Deed Service could face investigation - Russ Frye/GA
3/26/2007 9:19:50 PM (5208 views)

Resource Confidential - Annette Dorty/PA
3/22/2007 3:44:24 PM (2767 views)
Re: Resource Confidential - Dorothy Payne/NY
3/23/2007 8:03:01 PM (3734 views)
Re: Resource Confidential - Dorothy Payne/NY
3/23/2007 8:32:10 PM (3649 views)
Re: Resource Confidential - Dorothy Payne/NY
3/23/2007 9:00:56 PM (3803 views)
Re: Resource Confidential - Annette Dorty/PA
3/26/2007 3:17:39 PM (3699 views)
Re: Resource Confidential - william godlewski/NY
3/26/2007 3:50:50 PM (3667 views)
Re: Resource Confidential - Robert Franco/OH
3/26/2007 5:33:03 PM (3586 views)
Re: Resource Confidential - Scott Perry/PA
3/26/2007 10:11:34 PM (3618 views)
Re: Resource Confidential - george Hubka/MI
3/27/2007 11:52:37 AM (3535 views)
Re: Resource Confidential - Deborah Manion/VA
3/27/2007 4:10:46 PM (3547 views)
Re: Resource Confidential - Scott Perry/PA
3/27/2007 5:15:16 PM (3557 views)
Re: Resource Confidential - Dorothy Payne/NY
3/27/2007 6:04:12 PM (3689 views)
Re: Resource Confidential - Scott Perry/PA
3/27/2007 8:50:46 PM (3745 views)
Re: Resource Confidential - Loretta Reed/MD
3/28/2007 8:36:50 AM (3593 views)
Re: Resource Confidential - Candi Richter/NJ
3/28/2007 4:31:19 PM (3517 views)
Re: Resource Confidential - Scott Perry/PA
3/28/2007 8:11:59 PM (3519 views)
Re: Resource Confidential - Dorothy Payne/NY
3/28/2007 10:31:08 PM (3568 views)
Re: Resource Confidential - Dorothy Payne/NY
3/28/2007 10:28:43 PM (3511 views)
Re: Resource Confidential - C Dickens/NY
3/29/2007 12:39:40 AM (3540 views)
Re: Resource Confidential - Robert Franco/OH
3/29/2007 10:17:36 AM (3570 views)
Re: Resource Confidential - Chris/NY
3/29/2007 9:59:37 PM (3652 views)

Question about ESS/Infinity - SHARON YAHRAES/ID
3/21/2007 7:49:39 PM (2630 views)
Re: Question about ESS/Infinity - David Bloys/TX
3/21/2007 10:15:12 PM (5531 views)
Re: Question about ESS/Infinity - Loretta Reed/MD
3/22/2007 8:19:45 AM (3667 views)
Re: Question about ESS/Infinity - SHARON YAHRAES/ID
3/22/2007 5:07:00 PM (3761 views)

Price fixing or agreeably protecting? - Ben Kohnen/WI
3/21/2007 3:15:10 PM (2490 views)
Re: Price fixing or agreeably protecting? - Robert Franco/OH
3/21/2007 9:36:04 PM (3526 views)

Global Title Reporting Services - Anita Backlund/MN
3/21/2007 11:50:02 AM (2609 views)
Re: Global Title Reporting Services - Craig Honeker/AZ
3/21/2007 12:05:08 PM (3811 views)
Global Title Reporting Services - Mike Toebe/KS
3/22/2007 6:29:27 AM (3595 views)
Re: Didn't pay me! - SHARON YAHRAES/ID
3/22/2007 5:22:31 PM (3564 views)
Re: Global Title Reporting Services - SHARON YAHRAES/ID
3/22/2007 6:03:18 PM (3568 views)
Re: Global Title Reporting Services - Terrie Kelly/MN
3/26/2007 7:52:54 AM (3453 views)
Re: Global Title Reporting Services - george Hubka/MI
3/26/2007 5:41:56 PM (3413 views)
Re: Global Title Reporting Services - Terrie Kelly/MN
3/26/2007 11:44:20 PM (3388 views)
Re: Global Title Reporting Services - J Nisonger/CA
3/27/2007 12:18:46 AM (3412 views)

WARNING: Businees does NOT pay - Jessica Duncan/CA
3/20/2007 1:27:15 PM (2634 views)
Re: WARNING: Businees does NOT pay - Robert Franco/OH
3/20/2007 1:48:30 PM (3504 views)
Re: WARNING: Businees does NOT pay - J Nisonger/CA
3/21/2007 2:34:03 PM (3371 views)
Re: WARNING: Businees does NOT pay - Mike Toebe/KS
3/22/2007 6:32:55 AM (3385 views)
Re: WARNING: Businees does NOT pay - Jessica Duncan/CA
3/22/2007 11:40:58 AM (3370 views)

Northern California Partners I, LLC - EDMOND CENTENO/NV
3/20/2007 10:46:51 AM (2330 views)

Looking for Landsafe - Kurt deVries/FL
3/20/2007 10:23:59 AM (2147 views)

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