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[+] Ohio Law Mandates Statewide Changes Concering Public Record - Jay Duncan/MO (9 replies)
3/30/2007 4:08:30 PM (2822 views)

[+] PAYING FOR SEARCH WORK - Ron Gindin/PA (9 replies)
3/29/2007 6:23:25 PM (3162 views)

[+] US LAND TITLE - Ecenteno/NV (4 replies)
3/29/2007 2:15:17 PM (2950 views)

[+] Are you Educated on the Possibilities of Technology? - Kyle Steele/FL (4 replies)
3/29/2007 1:32:40 PM (2781 views)

[+] Mortgage Sats from out of business lenders! HELP - Shannon Finnessy/WI (7 replies)
3/28/2007 5:28:51 PM (2922 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Ads... - Robert Franco/OH (3 replies)
3/28/2007 11:38:21 AM (2703 views)

[+] Whats the Difference? - Robert Delli-Veneri/FL (15 replies)
3/28/2007 9:48:55 AM (2808 views)

[+] Scanning Software - Glenda Hodge/TN (4 replies)
3/27/2007 8:32:31 PM (2615 views)

[-] Reliable Property Reports - Lynn Hammett/SC (2 replies)
3/27/2007 4:54:23 PM (2757 views)

I have to share.  For some time we had trouble getting paid from Reliable Property Reports...I guess it went on a year or so.  I remember a number of other companies having the same problem.  I got tired of having to bill, rebill, call, email.  So Savannah and I decided we didn't need their business so why bother.  After all, they send an order and email within a couple of hours to check status.  The emails and phone calls for eta continue incessently to the point that you have to say "If you quit calling we can get to your work!"  It was easier to just FIRE THE CLIENT!

Anywhoo...from time to time Reliable still sends us an order which we politely send back asking them to redirect to another company.  Well, today I received yet another of at least half a dozen requests for an ETA of an order I refused over a week ago!  I called Betty Farmer at the company and very politely let her know that

"We do not provide services to Reliable Properties and do not accept their orders.  Please assign to another company."

She had the NERVE to email the following back to me!  "NOT VERY NICE"

I think it's not very nice to place orders with title companies and then not pay in a timely manner, if at all.  And it is especially telling when a childish response is sent back after an order is refused.  I emailed back that I would no longer respond to their orders with a polite refusal...I'll just ignore them.  Of course, it's not my nature...but it would serve them right if I do!

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Re: Reliable Property Reports - Anne Gilbert/VT
3/30/2007 9:11:39 AM (3777 views)
Re: Reliable Property Reports - Loretta Reed/MD
3/31/2007 10:20:31 AM (3795 views)

[+] Lenders Services Direct ??? - george Hubka/MI (7 replies)
3/26/2007 5:44:03 PM (2837 views)

[+] National Deed Service could face investigation - David Bloys/TX (1 reply)
3/23/2007 8:19:07 PM (3694 views)

[+] Resource Confidential - Annette Dorty/PA (20 replies)
3/22/2007 3:44:24 PM (2810 views)

[+] Question about ESS/Infinity - SHARON YAHRAES/ID (3 replies)
3/21/2007 7:49:39 PM (2678 views)

[+] Price fixing or agreeably protecting? - Ben Kohnen/WI (1 reply)
3/21/2007 3:15:10 PM (2541 views)

[+] Global Title Reporting Services - Anita Backlund/MN (8 replies)
3/21/2007 11:50:02 AM (2654 views)

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