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[+] Us Property and Appraisal ? - REBECCA BARNEY/FL (18 replies)
4/11/2007 10:40:32 AM (3417 views)

[+] Recorder of Deeds Campaign - David Jenkins/PA (12 replies)
4/10/2007 4:18:08 PM (5426 views)

[+] Industry Partners Title? - Sandra Harold/KS (4 replies)
4/10/2007 11:21:52 AM (3626 views)

[+] New York Title Abstract, Inc. - Ecenteno/NV (1 reply)
4/9/2007 5:26:19 PM (3163 views)

The Lives Behind The Data - David Bloys/TX
4/8/2007 11:37:20 AM (3731 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Are there any abstracting programs? - Christine Sheeler/PA (8 replies)
4/6/2007 7:57:45 PM (3273 views)

[+] Fuel Price Redux - Scott Perry/PA (23 replies)
4/5/2007 4:48:18 PM (3036 views)

[+] attorney only in North Carolina? - Richard Peart/OH (1 reply)
4/5/2007 12:06:43 AM (3063 views)

[-] Mechanic's Liens - Wendi See/SC (10 replies)
4/4/2007 8:19:24 PM (2966 views)
Re: Mechanic's Liens - Helene /GA
4/5/2007 9:53:49 PM (4761 views)
Re: Mechanic's Liens - Robert Franco/OH
4/6/2007 11:33:56 AM (4533 views)

I don't know of any state that allows abstractors to file mechanic's liens for non-payment of title searches.  If anyone can provide me with their State's Mechanic's Lien statute that allows for such things, I would appreciate it.

The Ohio statute reads:

§ 1311.02. Lien of subcontractor, laborer or material supplier 

Every person who performs work or labor upon or furnishes material in furtherance of any improvement undertaken by virtue of a contract, express or implied, with the owner, part owner, or lessee of any interest in real estate, or the owner's, part owner's, or lessee's authorized agent, and every person who as a subcontractor, laborer, or material supplier, performs any labor or work or furnishes any material to an original contractor or any subcontractor, in carrying forward, performing, or completing any improvement, has a lien to secure the payment therefor upon the improvement and all interests that the owner, part owner, or lessee may have or subsequently acquire in the land or leasehold to which the improvement was made or removed.

First, a title search is not an improvement.  And, second, the abstractor is not a party to any contract with the owner.  The abstractor was hired by a third party who is responsible for paying for the search - NOT the owner. How would you feel if someone you had no contact with at all filed a lien against you? 

As has been discussed on the forums before, filing a lien that you are not entitled to file could lead to a slander of title suit.  You should check with a good attorney before you attempt to file a mechanic's lien for a title search.

I'm with Wendy - if some of you are authorized by a statute to file such a lien, please let us all know.  It would be very interesting to learn more.

Robert A. Franco

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Re: Mechanic's Liens - Wendi See/SC
4/6/2007 1:46:16 PM (4411 views)
Re: Mechanic's Liens - Robert Franco/OH
4/6/2007 2:54:08 PM (4419 views)
Re: Mechanic's Liens - Scott Perry/PA
4/6/2007 3:07:23 PM (4395 views)
Re: Mechanic's Liens - Robert Franco/OH
4/6/2007 3:22:44 PM (4383 views)
Re: Mechanic's Liens - Scott Perry/PA
4/6/2007 5:27:21 PM (6411 views)
Re: Mechanic's Liens - Wendi See/SC
4/6/2007 5:35:39 PM (4589 views)
Re: Mechanic's Liens - Robert Franco/OH
4/6/2007 6:07:28 PM (4361 views)
Re: Mechanic's Liens - Dennis D/NY
4/7/2007 6:03:01 PM (4482 views)

[+] Happy Birthday Judy! - monica froese/ME (6 replies)
4/3/2007 9:23:59 PM (2909 views)

4/3/2007 5:59:35 PM (3553 views)

Indians Pose as Texans to Teach Lessons to NY Kids - David Bloys/TX
4/3/2007 11:33:51 AM (3596 views)

[+] Arizona Pulls Plug on Digital Docs - David Bloys/TX (4 replies)
4/3/2007 11:30:22 AM (3745 views)

[+] E&O Providers - Revisited - Lori Cassidy/CT (12 replies)
4/2/2007 5:10:02 PM (2997 views)

[+] my ad has gone bye bye... - Loretta Reed/MD (2 replies)
4/2/2007 4:40:21 PM (2903 views)

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