We have family in Texas that work in the refineries. Their company does repair/maintenance all over the United States. Unfortunately the oil companies don't want to shut down long enough to make the type of repairs that they should be doing. There was a serious fire last week in a refinery outside of Houston and they oil companies still did not want to shut down long enough to really fix the problem. Our oil refineries are old, outdated and dangerous.
I would have no problem paying the taxes if they were used for what they were meant for and I voted for and applaud our epa standards. California is a large and highly populated state and those standards have helped. I wish they would make our epa standards national... yes you are correct Robert we have the funny gas nozzles. When I visited my mom in Maine the first time I had to ask the gas attendant to help me put in gas... he laughed and said "you must be from California!" My "why" wasn't literal... I know the answer and it isn't our tax.
We are saving to purchase a hybrid. We figure we will save about $300 a month on gas. Which all electric car do you want Robert?
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