I did some looking back at gas prices and did some comparisons to our prices-if we did a title back in January of 2003 for $100 and came up with as many lame but accepted excuses for raising our prices, todays price would only be $271- and that number probably would be going up tomorrow morning- so order early in the day for the best prices for by the time I get back from the court house I am sure we would be close to $300- just cause I heard a remote courthouse was shutting down for the holidays- what more reason do we need? ( just following the good example set by the oil companies) Oops, the Artic glaciers are receding, time to raise that price again.( oh, and for those that have the good eyes, I do know about the Arctic , was just making this as ridiculous as "they" do)
Steve Meinecke
Woodbridge, Va
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