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[+] Three Arch Capital in CA - Jean Allen/NC (3 replies)
7/25/2007 8:21:39 PM (2306 views)

[+] RELS Abstract - Brad McCollom/IN (2 replies)
7/25/2007 8:08:52 PM (2358 views)

[+] NALTEA & "New Ideas" - Wanda Steudel/OH (17 replies)
7/25/2007 5:40:58 PM (1977 views)

[+] real advantage - marilyn snyder/FL (2 replies)
7/25/2007 3:49:45 PM (2341 views)

[+] Titlesearch USA Message to all Abstractors - don  sedy/NY (18 replies)
7/24/2007 10:54:29 PM (2867 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Talk to me New Hampshire people.... - Loretta Reed/MD (2 replies)
7/24/2007 7:15:15 PM (2019 views)

[+] JUST AN FYI FOR ALL - KS/IN (16 replies)
7/24/2007 4:29:50 PM (2459 views)

[+] payment history - WAYNE QUICK/NC (5 replies)
7/23/2007 7:53:10 PM (2356 views)

Abstractor Count and State Licensing - Lynn Hammett/SC
7/23/2007 6:46:06 PM (1613 views)

[+] Just for the sake of debate... - Jay Duncan/MO (10 replies)
7/23/2007 3:17:56 PM (2161 views)

[+] U.S. Land Title - Kurt deVries/FL (2 replies)
7/23/2007 1:49:24 PM (2223 views)

[+] Help please..... - Lynn Hammett/SC (3 replies)
7/22/2007 4:14:03 AM (2207 views)

[+] Title Stream Info - Shannon Blatt/VA (6 replies)
7/20/2007 10:46:53 PM (2499 views)

[+] Ever Do A Search On A Parking Space? - David Bloys/TX (4 replies)
7/20/2007 10:17:46 PM (3230 views)

[-] Kansas title searches - STEVE MEINECKE/VA (30 replies)
7/20/2007 12:17:55 PM (2171 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - Kevin Ahern/CT
7/20/2007 1:24:18 PM (2296 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - Jay Duncan/MO
7/20/2007 5:58:29 PM (2281 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - STEVE MEINECKE/VA
7/21/2007 10:55:32 AM (2266 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - Robert Franco/OH
7/21/2007 11:17:24 AM (2179 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - Kevin Ahern/CT
7/21/2007 12:51:36 PM (2266 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - STEVE MEINECKE/VA
7/21/2007 2:47:14 PM (2157 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - Kevin Ahern/CT
7/21/2007 6:29:07 PM (2181 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - STEVE MEINECKE/VA
7/21/2007 8:14:35 PM (2144 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - Sandra Morton/KS
7/24/2007 11:10:37 AM (2181 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - Kevin Ahern/CT
7/24/2007 11:32:26 AM (2155 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - Robert Franco/OH
7/24/2007 1:30:49 PM (2149 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - Kevin Ahern/CT
7/24/2007 1:43:59 PM (2151 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - Robert Franco/OH
7/24/2007 2:43:47 PM (2257 views)

There is a simple solution to your "problems" with NALTEA.  You could join and volunteer to help.  As you are unwilling to be a part of the solution - it really is unfair of you to criticize others who are trying to make a difference.

And, just to clarify... NALTEA has been working to promote the value of the abstractor and has worked to influence changes that benefit all abstractors - including those who choose to sit back and criticize them.

1. Issued a press release about the hazards of online public records.
2. Sent a reply to Forbes regarding their infamous article on title insurance.
3. Established the first national code of ethics for abstractors.
4. Attended Michigan house of representative hearings on their public records laws.
5. Held 4 informative and educational conferences around the country.
6. Spoken to representatives with Fannie Mae regarding the importance of thorough title searches by professional abstractors.
7. Spoken to a representative from Fitch Ratings about the importance of thorough title searches by professional abstractors.
8. Spoken with the American Legal and Financial Network and several of their members at their annual conferences regarding the importance of thorough title searches by professional abstractors.
9. Arranged for member discounts on products and services from 5 companies for services including marketing, software, collections, retirement planning, etc...

NALTEA is currently:
1. Finishing the first abstractor certification criteria, should be ready by the end of the year.
2. Working on an amicus brief supporting an abstractor in a suit over third-party liability in Louisiana.
3. Corresponding with the authors of
The American Title Insurance Industry: How A Cartel Fleeces The American Consumer.

So, while people, such as yourself, seem content to remain on the sidelines criticizing others who are volunteering their time to do something positive, NALTEA has been an excellent representative of abstractors.  Some people just won't be happy until NALTEA starts mailing out hundred dollar bills, but that is not what a professional association does.

I think the hardworking volunteers of NALTEA have been doing a fantastic job with the little support it has gotten from those who care about the profession, despite the complaints of those who continually try to undermine their efforts.  If you don't want to join and support them, fine - but, you have NO RIGHT to belittle them. 

No one from NALTEA is standing in your way if you want to create a co-op or anything else.  NALTEA has been nothing but supportive of abstractors and they will continue to represent them in a professional manner.  Why you feel the need to attack them for it is beyond my comprehension.  If you feel you can do something good for the abstractors, ANYTHING, then do it.  For God sake, just do SOMETHING besides COMPLAIN!

Robert A. Franco

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Re: Kansas title searches - Jay Duncan/MO
7/24/2007 3:02:44 PM (2121 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - Kevin Ahern/CT
7/24/2007 3:04:18 PM (2138 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - Robert Franco/OH
7/24/2007 3:26:43 PM (2093 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - Kevin Ahern/CT
7/24/2007 3:31:38 PM (2062 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - STEVE MEINECKE/VA
7/24/2007 4:46:09 PM (2085 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - Robert Franco/OH
7/24/2007 5:00:11 PM (2232 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - Sandra Morton/KS
7/30/2007 11:50:05 AM (2081 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - Jay Duncan/MO
7/24/2007 5:18:05 PM (2146 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - STEVE MEINECKE/VA
7/24/2007 7:55:55 PM (2179 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - Jay Duncan/MO
7/24/2007 10:47:49 PM (2092 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - Kevin Ahern/CT
7/25/2007 10:39:38 AM (2103 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - Robert Franco/OH
7/25/2007 11:05:37 AM (2123 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - Jay Duncan/MO
7/25/2007 12:43:12 PM (2077 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - Lynn Hammett/SC
7/24/2007 6:58:33 PM (3707 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - Scott Perry/PA
7/24/2007 4:42:35 PM (2145 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - Sandra Morton/KS
7/30/2007 11:44:13 AM (2065 views)
Re: Kansas title searches - STEVE MEINECKE/VA
7/31/2007 4:18:00 PM (2024 views)

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June 04 2024
We are an AMERICAN production and marketplace company, working with most of the major underwriters and Seeking LOCAL independant title searcher(s) for regular work in the following PA counties:
Cameron...[more info]

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