I completely agree. I have been flirting with an idea of charging a $15.00 fee paid in advance to provide a quote. Admittedly that wouldn't begin to cover my time that has to be put into providing an accurate quote, but it might add a bit of income. For now I am just quoting extra high and extra long, because when that happens the "client" usually knows the extent of the search and is looking to hold someones feet to the fire. I too started in this industry at 21 years old in 1987. I'm getting more and more "selective" with the clients I will service. I recently went through a health crisis right before the world changed and I am taking stock and being good to those who were loyal and stuck by me. I no longer want to rule the world and prefer to stick to serving the Counties that I know best. I know and realize how very fortunate I am to have the ability to do that. Stay strong and I'm in this with you all, united we stand.
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