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[+] ETA title problems - Smitty Strickland/SC (3 replies)
7/23/2020 12:49:56 PM (2630 views)

[+] TITLE ABSTRACTOR E&O - Saundra  Scott/MD (4 replies)
7/21/2020 5:12:17 PM (1830 views)

[+] VERACITY TITLE RESEARCH - Naomi Backes/NC (13 replies)
7/18/2020 8:30:43 PM (2053 views)

[+] SLK Group - Tempie Elder/GA (9 replies)
7/10/2020 12:22:49 PM (2033 views)

[+] VERIFICATION - Saundra  Scott/MD (7 replies)
7/9/2020 7:40:14 AM (1853 views)

Real Title Services

Minor site changes... - Robert Franco/OH
7/7/2020 7:56:28 PM (1418 views)

Land Records Abstract Company, LLC - Kirsten Karl/FL
6/30/2020 4:46:36 PM (1675 views)

[+] So fed up with "Please provide quote" - DAVID VOGELER/IL (11 replies)
6/30/2020 10:40:10 AM (3071 views)

[-] New Title Search Software - Looking for Beta Testers - Devin Robbins/GA (10 replies)
6/25/2020 4:11:16 PM (2580 views)
Re: New Title Search Software - Looking for Beta Testers - Smitty Strickland/SC
6/30/2020 10:26:48 AM (1766 views)
Re: New Title Search Software - Looking for Beta Testers - Devin Robbins/GA
6/30/2020 11:21:08 AM (1709 views)
Re: New Title Search Software - Looking for Beta Testers - Don Li/VA
7/1/2020 8:33:09 PM (1714 views)
Re: New Title Search Software - Looking for Beta Testers - Devin Robbins/GA
7/1/2020 8:51:10 PM (1781 views)
Re: New Title Search Software - Looking for Beta Testers - Don Li/VA
7/2/2020 9:34:25 AM (1608 views)
Re: New Title Search Software - Looking for Beta Testers - Lance Whitmore/MN
7/2/2020 4:39:24 PM (1722 views)
Re: New Title Search Software - Looking for Beta Testers - R Braun/VA
7/9/2020 2:35:59 PM (1643 views)
Re: New Title Search Software - Looking for Beta Testers - Devin Robbins/GA
7/12/2020 12:08:35 PM (1538 views)
Title Plant? - Victoria Moate/NJ
7/27/2020 11:59:04 AM (1467 views)
Re: New Title Search Software - Looking for Beta Testers - Devin Robbins/GA
7/27/2020 12:22:23 PM (2125 views)

I've worked with a few different title plant software packages throughout my career.  Datatrace, eTitleSearch, PropertyInfo, etc.  In my experience, those software packages are meant to allow you to put in some property information and it will pull all the records you have stored in your database. Deed, Mortgages, Miscellaneous documents associated with a given Lot, Subdivision, Tax ID.  Their sole existence is to report on what property information you've stored in them.  

Title Forge has a Back Title component that will search through files you've completed in the past and recommend possible starters to save you some time.  So in that sense, it has a title plant-like feature built-in. 

However, the primary use of this software is as follows:


  • Order Tracking.  It allows you to track your current open orders, providing visibility on where they are in your process. 
  • Automatic Backtitle Searching.  The system will automatically review all prior orders you have completed and identify properties that are similar to save you from re-searching a subdivision with an already established starter.
  • Document storage.  You have 5 GB of additional document storage available per month (60 GB per year) per USER.  That should cover the storage needs for most abstractors and search companies. Depending on your scanner settings, this covers anywhere from 500 to 1000 searches per month per USER.
  • File Billing and Reconciliation.  You can bill at the individual file level and post payments against those invoices to have an accurate view on the outstanding invoices by client.
  • Title Summary Report Creation.  There is a summary creation tool allowing you to create a typed report quickly and easily to attach to your search documents. 
  • Vendor Management.  For those companies that utilize 3rd Parties to facilitate searching, there is a robust system included that provides the ability to rapidly identify vendors covering the area needed, their products available, and the pricing associated with it.  
  • Reporting and Analytics.  With all the information being stored in this software, you can easily identify order trends by customer, county, product type, to stay on top of the changes in your business. 
  • Integration Opportunities.  If there is a tool available with an open API, we can build in processes to integrate with them.  Be it automatically sending a completed search back to your customer, automatically pulling property tax information from a tax vendor, or other API partners. 
Let me know if you have any other questions, but I've been building this to be a one-stop tool for abstractors and title search companies. 


Devin Robbins



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[+] Slow Work - nita  farrow/FL (4 replies)
6/22/2020 9:04:03 PM (2014 views)

[+] Not getting updates - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA (3 replies)
6/22/2020 6:13:19 PM (1816 views)

[+] How to find title companies at national level? - Don Li/VA (6 replies)
6/22/2020 3:33:39 PM (1893 views)

[+] MTS Group - Russ  Kern/GA (5 replies)
6/16/2020 1:20:31 PM (2052 views)

[+] Back in Time Title - Smitty Strickland/SC (2 replies)
6/12/2020 7:18:23 PM (1788 views)

Arrow Title Services - Smitty Strickland/SC
6/12/2020 7:17:51 PM (1465 views)

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