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[+] business - Tammy Mull/PA (5 replies)
11/16/2007 12:08:10 PM (2566 views)

[-] OTHER MEANS - ks/IN (6 replies)
11/16/2007 12:28:51 AM (2514 views)
Re: OTHER MEANS - Ron McPherson/IA
11/16/2007 1:46:30 AM (2358 views)
Re: OTHER MEANS - James Badertscher/OH
11/16/2007 2:43:31 PM (2371 views)
11/16/2007 6:52:04 PM (2343 views)
11/16/2007 7:23:45 PM (2501 views)

We have been doing criminal background checks for about 15 years. The profit margin is slim indeed. If you live in a metropolitan area you can make a fairly good income with volume doing it for nationwide pre-screening companies. Most counties are not online, but the States have an online service which charge a fee, very slow, and not always updated on a regular basis. Our State charges $10.00, can take up to 2 weeks to get the information back to you. You have to pay it upfront and they will only except mail forms. Some counties only report quarterly, if at all. That leaves a pretty big gap for a person to create a crimnal record.
  Most of the people who need these searches are in a big hurry to hire or rent their property. Therefor, a 24 hour or less turn around is mandatory. 
  It has taken us 15 years to build up a decent client base and put efficient tools to work. Plus the fact we cover several counties in our state. So it isn't a quick money maker. 
  My advise would be to go to your local restaurants, bars and any business that has a high turn over and offer to do their felony/misdemeanor checks for say $10-$12 for each name.
  If you have anymore questions, feel free to contact me.

Good Luck,

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Re: OTHER MEANS - Loretta Reed/MD
11/16/2007 9:17:10 PM (2703 views)
Re: OTHER MEANS - Brenda Stone/TX
11/19/2007 7:04:45 AM (2247 views)

[+] Tower City Title - Nina Gladen/OH (5 replies)
11/15/2007 1:33:43 PM (2756 views)

[+] A variation on the out-sourcing theme - Deborah Manion/VA (7 replies)
11/15/2007 10:47:46 AM (2693 views)

E*Trade Plunges 59% - Cheryl O'Brien/VA
11/14/2007 9:37:08 PM (3236 views)

Real Title Services

[+] infinity international processing services, inc. - Joanetta Paniagua/CA (3 replies)
11/14/2007 3:55:23 PM (3218 views)

[+] System for organizing orders - Kelli Marske/MI (6 replies)
11/14/2007 12:11:40 PM (2518 views)

[+] Phone number - J Nisonger/CA (6 replies)
11/14/2007 10:47:03 AM (2551 views)

[+] Home Connects Out of Business - Cheryl O'Brien/VA (6 replies)
11/13/2007 1:17:38 PM (2827 views)

[+] Review Fraud - Robert Franco/OH (3 replies)
11/13/2007 11:30:59 AM (2488 views)

[+] Price of Gas!!!!!!! - Carla Curry/KY (5 replies)
11/13/2007 7:54:49 AM (2417 views)

[+] Change of Name? Or excuse to not pay? - Constance Foye/VA (4 replies)
11/13/2007 12:00:48 AM (2468 views)

[+] PPSI - Marian Littleton/VA (1 reply)
11/12/2007 4:51:26 PM (2509 views)

[+] Naltea Certified Abstractor designation - Jeanne Johnson/FL (4 replies)
11/12/2007 4:45:38 PM (2496 views)

[+] Title Stream - Rebecca Warner/MI (6 replies)
11/12/2007 11:24:58 AM (2641 views)

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