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[+] Single Source Property Solutions - Jay Duncan/MO (1 reply)
12/10/2007 4:17:04 PM (3370 views)

12/10/2007 2:02:27 PM (2306 views)

[+] Twyman Company - Cheryl O'Brien/VA (3 replies)
12/10/2007 1:39:25 PM (2416 views)

[+] American Freedom Assurance, Inc. - Ron McPherson/IA (23 replies)
12/10/2007 11:15:45 AM (3383 views)

[+] Hey, I need your vote this morning. - Diane Cipa/PA (12 replies)
12/10/2007 9:24:05 AM (2386 views)

Real Title Services

[+] challenge to abstractor to change payment arrangement - Diane Cipa/PA (34 replies)
12/8/2007 11:55:41 AM (3470 views)

[+] express financial services case #07-27374 - marilyn snyder/FL (5 replies)
12/7/2007 5:25:16 PM (2524 views)

[+] Can you afford not to go? - Jay Duncan/MO (12 replies)
12/7/2007 2:00:48 PM (2391 views)

[+] Nationwide Title Clearing $$ - Rob  Robinson/PA (6 replies)
12/6/2007 5:11:46 PM (3725 views)

[+] Make a Difference in the Industry? - Jeanine Johnson/FL (12 replies)
12/6/2007 11:33:13 AM (2311 views)

[+] Christmas prayers - Kurt deVries/FL (2 replies)
12/6/2007 10:22:33 AM (2303 views)

[+] US Title Solutions - JOSEPH MARTINEZ/NM (4 replies)
12/5/2007 6:12:41 PM (2654 views)

[+] Different Christmas Story - Kurt deVries/FL (3 replies)
12/5/2007 11:07:54 AM (2183 views)

[+] Abstractor Software - Norean Cashwell/GA (6 replies)
12/4/2007 4:23:18 PM (2495 views)

[-] Christmas for the Soldiers - Kurt deVries/FL (16 replies)
12/4/2007 11:09:56 AM (2184 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Ron McPherson/IA
12/4/2007 11:14:49 AM (2397 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Jessica Talley/NJ
12/4/2007 11:35:17 AM (2567 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Anita Backlund/MN
12/4/2007 12:34:21 PM (2754 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Wendi See/SC
12/4/2007 1:07:15 PM (4082 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Scott Perry/PA
12/4/2007 4:18:31 PM (4034 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Jessica Talley/NJ
12/4/2007 6:30:11 PM (2410 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Scott Perry/PA
12/4/2007 7:38:09 PM (2579 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Wendi See/SC
12/4/2007 8:19:08 PM (2403 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Scott Perry/PA
12/4/2007 11:41:47 PM (2302 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Jessica Talley/NJ
12/5/2007 6:32:25 PM (2049 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Anita Backlund/MN
12/4/2007 10:14:58 PM (2176 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Kurt deVries/FL
12/5/2007 11:06:27 AM (2398 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Wendi See/SC
12/5/2007 2:08:26 PM (2128 views)

I think you misunderstood me.  I didn't mean to disparage you Kurt, I WISH we could still send cards and packages this way.  I was just pointing out that it's no longer possible to do this.  If it were, I would have been the first to take your info and run with it. 

The address is actually correct.  You CAN mail letters to that address, but unfortunately you can no longer mail letters address to "any soldier".  Due to concerns about anthrax and other contaminants, the military no longer delivers anonymous letters or packages that are not addressed to a specific soldier with their specific name on it. 

I for one used to enjoy sending cards and packages this way.  I actually gained a couple of good pen-pals this way as I was growing up.  But unfortunately not everyone in this world would be wishing our troops well.  We used to be able to send care packages.  School children and families would send baked goods--addressed to any soldier as a thank you and as encouragement.  As you can imagine, the military no longer wants soldiers consuming anything where the soldier doesn't know the sender personally.

If you and your office still want to do something, go to anysoldier.com (there are others as well).  On these sites, officers who are deployed sign up with their name and address and the number and genders of the people under them so that groups can send care packages that will actually be delivered by the military because they are addressed to the officer, eliminating the "any soldier" issue.  Also, should something be delivered that is of question, there is a paper trail back to the person who sent it.  We did this last year and it was great fun.  Even on that website, there is a notice that if you send baked goods that are not professionally packaged, the soldiers are advised to throw them out.  It really is sad that someone who is willing to die for my freedom has to worry that the cookie he/she is eating could kill them first.

So don't think I was jumping on you for not knowing.  I only know because I live in a fairly militarized area of the country and this has been the topic of conversation several times in the past few years.

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Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Kurt deVries/FL
12/5/2007 4:41:26 PM (2070 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Jessica Talley/NJ
12/5/2007 6:36:59 PM (2053 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - E-mail Hoax - Jay Duncan/MO
12/6/2007 4:00:52 PM (3452 views)

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