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[+] Single Source Property Solutions - Jay Duncan/MO (1 reply)
12/10/2007 4:17:04 PM (3376 views)

12/10/2007 2:02:27 PM (2308 views)

[+] Twyman Company - Cheryl O'Brien/VA (3 replies)
12/10/2007 1:39:25 PM (2418 views)

[+] American Freedom Assurance, Inc. - Ron McPherson/IA (23 replies)
12/10/2007 11:15:45 AM (3384 views)

[+] Hey, I need your vote this morning. - Diane Cipa/PA (12 replies)
12/10/2007 9:24:05 AM (2387 views)

Real Title Services

[+] challenge to abstractor to change payment arrangement - Diane Cipa/PA (34 replies)
12/8/2007 11:55:41 AM (3470 views)

[+] express financial services case #07-27374 - marilyn snyder/FL (5 replies)
12/7/2007 5:25:16 PM (2525 views)

[+] Can you afford not to go? - Jay Duncan/MO (12 replies)
12/7/2007 2:00:48 PM (2391 views)

[+] Nationwide Title Clearing $$ - Rob  Robinson/PA (6 replies)
12/6/2007 5:11:46 PM (3726 views)

[+] Make a Difference in the Industry? - Jeanine Johnson/FL (12 replies)
12/6/2007 11:33:13 AM (2312 views)

[+] Christmas prayers - Kurt deVries/FL (2 replies)
12/6/2007 10:22:33 AM (2303 views)

[+] US Title Solutions - JOSEPH MARTINEZ/NM (4 replies)
12/5/2007 6:12:41 PM (2654 views)

[+] Different Christmas Story - Kurt deVries/FL (3 replies)
12/5/2007 11:07:54 AM (2183 views)

[+] Abstractor Software - Norean Cashwell/GA (6 replies)
12/4/2007 4:23:18 PM (2500 views)

[-] Christmas for the Soldiers - Kurt deVries/FL (16 replies)
12/4/2007 11:09:56 AM (2189 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Ron McPherson/IA
12/4/2007 11:14:49 AM (2403 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Jessica Talley/NJ
12/4/2007 11:35:17 AM (2570 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Anita Backlund/MN
12/4/2007 12:34:21 PM (2758 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Wendi See/SC
12/4/2007 1:07:15 PM (4087 views)
I hate to put a damper on what SHOULD be a good thing.  However, before sending any cards, you will need to check whether or not they will be delivered.  Since the advent of anthrax and the like, the military no longer delivers mail addressed to "any soldier".  Remember the Dear Abby mail-a-thon every year--no more.  So sad.  But you must now have the full name of a soldier in order for the mail to be delivered.  There is a website at anysoldier.org (I think) where you can sign up to receive the name of a soldier who has agreed to receive and distribute mail to "any soldier".  Sorry, I would love to send cards out like I used to with the Dear Abby thing, but the world is not such a generous place any more.

Here is what Walter Reed has on its website:

Holiday Cards to Wounded and Recovering Soldiers 

Page Content

Walter Reed Army Medical Center officials want to remind those individuals who want to show their appreciation through mail to include packages, letters, and holiday cards addressed to 'Any Wounded Soldier' or 'A Recovering American Soldier' that Walter Reed cannot accept these packages in support of the decision by then Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Transportation Policy in 2001. This decision was made to ensure the safety and well being of patients and staff at medical centers throughout the Department of Defense.

In addition, the U.S. Postal Service is no longer accepting "Any Service Member" or "A Recovering American Soldier" letters or packages. Mail to "Any Service Member" that is deposited into a collection box will not be delivered.

Instead of sending an “Any Wounded Soldier” letter or package to Walter Reed, please consider making a donation to one of the more than 300 nonprofit organizations dedicated to helping our troops and their families listed on the "America Supports You" website, www.americasupportsyou.mil

Other organizations that offer means of showing your support for our troops or assist wounded servicemembers and their families include:


For individuals without computer access, your local military installation, the local National Guard or military reserve unit in your area may offer the best alternative to show your support to our returning troops and their families.  Walter Reed Army Medical Center will continue to receive process and deliver all mail that is addressed to a specific individual.

As Walter Reed continues to enhance the medical care and processes for our returning service members, it must also must keep our patients and staff members safe while following Department of Defense policy. The outpouring of encouragement from the general public, corporate America and civic groups throughout the past year has been incredible. Our Warriors in Transition are amazed at the thanks and support they receive from their countrymen.

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Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Scott Perry/PA
12/4/2007 4:18:31 PM (4036 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Jessica Talley/NJ
12/4/2007 6:30:11 PM (2413 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Scott Perry/PA
12/4/2007 7:38:09 PM (2584 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Wendi See/SC
12/4/2007 8:19:08 PM (2406 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Scott Perry/PA
12/4/2007 11:41:47 PM (2304 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Jessica Talley/NJ
12/5/2007 6:32:25 PM (2052 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Anita Backlund/MN
12/4/2007 10:14:58 PM (2178 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Kurt deVries/FL
12/5/2007 11:06:27 AM (2401 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Wendi See/SC
12/5/2007 2:08:26 PM (2135 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Kurt deVries/FL
12/5/2007 4:41:26 PM (2073 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - Jessica Talley/NJ
12/5/2007 6:36:59 PM (2058 views)
Re: Christmas for the Soldiers - E-mail Hoax - Jay Duncan/MO
12/6/2007 4:00:52 PM (3456 views)

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