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Plymouth Exchange Mortgage Corp - Dexter Jung/TX
1/14/2008 8:53:54 AM (3198 views)

[+] What are the odds of a Recession - STEVE MEINECKE/TN (1 reply)
1/13/2008 12:29:29 PM (3536 views)

[+] How I deal with late payers - Ronda Roaring/NY (4 replies)
1/11/2008 2:14:54 PM (2661 views)

[+] Cresent Title Agency - Theresa Ritz/WV (7 replies)
1/11/2008 10:42:41 AM (2733 views)

[+] Global Title Reporting Services - J Nisonger/CA (3 replies)
1/10/2008 2:15:33 PM (2580 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Abstractorsearch.com - J Nisonger/CA (12 replies)
1/10/2008 2:10:29 PM (2742 views)

[+] Citigroup Coughing and Countrywide Choking - Jay Duncan/MO (13 replies)
1/8/2008 4:34:38 PM (3566 views)

Paradise Settlement Services - VIVIAN SLYKER/OH
1/8/2008 2:28:47 PM (2943 views)

[+] E&O Insurance - Joe Kalmon/WI (1 reply)
1/8/2008 2:02:50 PM (2582 views)

[+] The latest on Express Financial - Ronda Roaring/NY (2 replies)
1/8/2008 11:56:17 AM (2433 views)

[+] National TItlenet, LLC - Glenda Hodge/TN (5 replies)
1/8/2008 11:24:40 AM (3439 views)

[+] Anyone having trouble getting paid from Alabama Title and Signing Service - Rhonda Peters/LA (2 replies)
1/8/2008 12:42:43 AM (2322 views)

[+] Contemporary Realty Solutions - HAL DICKSON/VA (2 replies)
1/7/2008 8:39:23 PM (2480 views)

[+] Proper pricing for the work provided - Abstractor/DC (3 replies)
1/7/2008 5:05:45 PM (2462 views)

[-] "T'was in another lifetime...one of toil and blood" - Kevin Ahern/CT (14 replies)
1/7/2008 1:57:21 PM (2486 views)
Re: "T'was in another lifetime...one of toil and blood" - Robert Franco/OH
1/7/2008 2:28:45 PM (2386 views)
Re: "T'was in another lifetime...one of toil and blood" - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/7/2008 3:28:14 PM (2298 views)
Re: "T'was in another lifetime...one of toil and blood" - David Bloys/TX
1/7/2008 5:03:06 PM (2339 views)
Even the guillitine is not likely to be painless. The brain dies from a lack of blood  but this could take several minutes and old films have been studied that indicate the victim is awake for at least a short time.

I can remember also as a child growing up on the farm and witnessed my mother chopping off the heads of chickens. The body thrashed around for several minutes and you could also see the beak open and close. I know this sounds cruel but it really was the best and most efficient way to prepare a meal. I understand the method is still used today in preparing the neatly packaged chickens you see at the supermarket.

Years ago, I had the pleasure of entertaining a pair of visiting scientists from the Soviet Union.Well only one was actually a scientist. The other was his KGB handler. But anyway, they told me how executions were handled in Russia and it may actually be the most humane way. The prisoner was always executed within 30 days of conviction but he never knew when. Silently, on some night following conviction, the executioner simply slipped into the cell and fired a bullet into the back of the poor guys brain.

Your right, there really is no inhumane way to kill someon or slaughter an animal for that matter.
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Re: "T'was in another lifetime...one of toil and blood" - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/8/2008 4:48:11 AM (2232 views)
Re: "T'was in another lifetime...one of toil and blood" - george Hubka/MI
1/13/2008 5:14:52 AM (2167 views)
Re: "T'was in another lifetime...one of toil and blood" - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/13/2008 7:37:58 AM (2140 views)
Re: "T'was in another lifetime...one of toil and blood" - Wendi See/SC
1/7/2008 3:32:58 PM (2202 views)
Re: "T'was in another lifetime...one of toil and blood" - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/7/2008 3:43:39 PM (2342 views)
Re: "T'was in another lifetime...one of toil and blood" - edward shevory/PA
1/7/2008 11:52:52 PM (2401 views)
Re: "T'was in another lifetime...one of toil and blood" - Scott Perry/PA
1/8/2008 1:37:45 AM (2369 views)
Re: "T'was in another lifetime...one of toil and blood" - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/8/2008 5:07:51 AM (2324 views)
Re: "T'was in another lifetime...one of toil and blood" - Scott Perry/PA
1/8/2008 6:43:33 AM (2236 views)
Re: "T'was in another lifetime...one of toil and blood" - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/8/2008 7:09:56 AM (2284 views)
Re: "T'was in another lifetime...one of toil and blood" - Janis Talbot/SC
1/8/2008 6:16:42 PM (2232 views)

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