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Land Options, Pittsburgh PA - Loretta Reed/MD
1/7/2008 8:10:08 AM (2268 views)

What were they thinking? - David Bloys/TX
1/6/2008 10:58:08 PM (3121 views)

[+] Questions on conference - Glenda Hodge/TN (6 replies)
1/4/2008 3:18:04 PM (2382 views)

[+] Title Company Access - Cherie Smurthwaite/CA (21 replies)
1/3/2008 6:16:21 PM (2565 views)

Title Consultants Agency - Theresa Ritz/WV
1/3/2008 4:20:02 PM (1939 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Express Financial Services - Ronda Roaring/NY (32 replies)
1/3/2008 2:58:02 PM (2636 views)

[+] NALTEA: Continued Discussion - Patrick Scott/IL (2 replies)
1/1/2008 11:03:53 PM (2238 views)

[+] Southeast Equity.. - Loretta Reed/MD (4 replies)
12/31/2007 7:19:26 PM (2229 views)

FREE CA 2008 Ack & Jurat Forms & Rescission Calendar (Any State) - KELLY ROBERTSON/CA
12/31/2007 8:45:21 AM (3438 views)

[+] County Website Vicimized Citizens in Five States - David Bloys/TX (1 reply)
12/29/2007 12:07:24 PM (3575 views)

[+] Ricter Abstracts, Inc. - Peggy Pond/LA (18 replies)
12/29/2007 9:27:09 AM (2682 views)

This Day in History - Kevin Ahern/CT
12/29/2007 8:23:01 AM (1831 views)

[+] SECURITIZED MORTGAGES - Barry Campbell/NY (28 replies)
12/27/2007 5:03:24 PM (2534 views)

[-] NALTEA and E & O - Wendi See/SC (11 replies)
12/26/2007 12:32:49 PM (2385 views)
Re: NALTEA and E & O - Jay Duncan/MO
12/26/2007 1:20:48 PM (2492 views)
Re: NALTEA and E & O - george Hubka/MI
12/26/2007 7:15:31 PM (2421 views)
Re: NALTEA and E & O - Jay Duncan/MO
12/26/2007 9:35:34 PM (2354 views)
Re: NALTEA and E & O - Janis Talbot/SC
12/31/2007 6:42:02 AM (2240 views)
Re: NALTEA and E & O - Kevin Ahern/CT
12/31/2007 10:12:31 AM (2176 views)
Re: NALTEA and E & O - Robert Franco/OH
12/31/2007 10:48:35 AM (2231 views)
Re: NALTEA and E & O - Kevin Ahern/CT
12/31/2007 11:59:28 AM (2168 views)
Re: NALTEA and E & O - Diane Brewer/SC
1/7/2008 9:51:07 AM (2082 views)

The cost of E&O does continue to go up, unfortunately; but I would not want to be in business without it.  We have also been in business for over 21 years and are considered exceptionally knowledgeable and accurate.  Nonetheless, we have had 3 very minor claims in our history--all 3 being due to poor indexing by county officials either in the deed/mortgage records, or the tax records.  While we do not feel technical responsibility for missing something that was not indexed under specific names we were searching, the claimant felt otherwise.  Fortunately, the amounts were so minimal they were paid out of our business account.  However, had these matters been significant, the only resource would have been our E&O.  I firmly believe we are all over-charged for E&O; but would never want to be without it.  No matter how much you know, or how careful you are, anybody can make a mistake.   Obtaining any sort of certification isn't likely to make a difference to the actuaries and underwriters of E&O, until the certification process begins weeding out people who shouldn't be in this business, who may well be causing the majority of E&O claims. 

When I questioned our premium a few years ago, pointing to the fact that we had a clean track record with  no claims (reported to or paid by E&O), I was told that the increase was due to the increase in our income.  As your business grows, your potential for a claim increases, according to the insurers. 

While abstractors/searchers are not rendering title opinions, and are only "pulling public records", we are the basis for all opinions and title insurance that are given.  If we don't pull all and the correct public records, we cause losses; and we need to have ourselves covered with E&O.

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1/7/2008 10:15:38 AM (2066 views)
Re: NALTEA and E & O - Kevin Ahern/CT
1/1/2008 8:34:18 AM (2323 views)
Re: NALTEA and E & O - Anita Backlund/MN
1/1/2008 11:01:37 PM (2304 views)

[+] *OT Any Good Recommendations for On-Line Insurance Lic Programs in CA? - KELLY ROBERTSON/CA (3 replies)
12/24/2007 10:19:29 AM (2199 views)

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June 04 2024
We are an AMERICAN production and marketplace company, working with most of the major underwriters and Seeking LOCAL independant title searcher(s) for regular work in the following PA counties:
Cameron...[more info]

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