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Texas Town For Sale - David Bloys/TX
2/8/2008 3:29:00 PM (3444 views)

[+] Another Title Company Ceasing Pittsburgh Operation - Jason Sheppard/PA (7 replies)
2/8/2008 2:48:37 PM (3232 views)

[+] Absolute Title Revisited - James "Lin" Toney/MS (26 replies)
2/7/2008 8:23:06 PM (3137 views)

[+] Outstanding invoice - Cate Jones/NH (15 replies)
2/7/2008 11:26:01 AM (2851 views)

Looking for E and O - Joseph Aviles/NY
2/7/2008 6:28:03 AM (2062 views)

Real Title Services

[+] We're Getting Noticed! - Scott Perry/PA (10 replies)
2/6/2008 10:56:31 PM (3844 views)

[+] Indepth Solutions Inc - Joanie Hahr/VT (1 reply)
2/6/2008 5:22:57 PM (2746 views)

[+] How has the housing down-turn affected abstractors? - Robert Franco/OH (7 replies)
2/6/2008 1:46:50 PM (2562 views)

[+] Not paid for services rendered. - Joan Bastian/NH (1 reply)
2/6/2008 7:30:10 AM (2549 views)

2008 All-Star Team - Jay Duncan/MO
2/5/2008 3:48:53 PM (3282 views)

Interesting Article on Mortgage Fraud in Pittsburgh - Jason Sheppard/PA
2/4/2008 9:09:48 PM (3863 views)

[+] Patriot Properties Webpro - christine /MA (2 replies)
2/4/2008 9:54:46 AM (3052 views)

[+] Has anyone else gotten an email.. - Scott Perry/PA (15 replies)
2/3/2008 10:24:09 PM (2938 views)

[-] REAL Lawyer Jokes - Ron McPherson/IA (11 replies)
2/3/2008 7:49:11 PM (2433 views)
Re: REAL Lawyer Jokes - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/4/2008 6:46:57 AM (2886 views)
Re: REAL Lawyer Jokes - Scott Perry/PA
2/4/2008 7:16:15 AM (3043 views)
Re: REAL Lawyer Jokes - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/4/2008 7:35:14 AM (2979 views)
Re: REAL Lawyer Jokes - george Hubka/MI
2/4/2008 10:44:53 AM (2715 views)
Re: REAL Lawyer Jokes - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/4/2008 12:49:21 PM (2742 views)
Re: REAL Lawyer Jokes - george Hubka/MI
2/4/2008 6:53:01 PM (2729 views)
Re: REAL Lawyer Jokes - Jay Duncan/MO
2/4/2008 9:04:13 PM (2823 views)
Re: REAL Lawyer Jokes - george Hubka/MI
2/5/2008 5:22:37 PM (2865 views)
Re: REAL Lawyer Jokes - Jay Duncan/MO
2/5/2008 8:12:23 PM (2818 views)

spoken like someone who never wore the uniform.
  Drunk drivers are every bit as dangerous as the so called "real bad guys".  They are armed (not just with their 2000+ lbs cars), short tempered and lack the judgment and self-control that someone who is not impaired.  There are just as many fights with drunk drivers as there are with the other bad guys.  
  Where are these minor first aids stations going to be and who is paying for them?  A breathalyzer is just as acurate as a blood test or a urine test with a trained person operating the machine or someone who is trained to draw blood, making sure not to use an alcohol pad to clean the area prior to drawing the blood.
  I believe it is in Saudia Arabia that they do execute first time DWI drivers other countries have minium 10yrs in prison and other punishments that really fit the crime.

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Re: REAL Lawyer Jokes - Anita Backlund/MN
2/4/2008 10:35:17 PM (2864 views)
Re: REAL Lawyer Jokes - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/5/2008 3:44:00 AM (3102 views)

[+] Want advice about whether to consider entering the field? - James Guill/VA (10 replies)
2/3/2008 2:25:41 AM (2788 views)

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June 04 2024
We are an AMERICAN production and marketplace company, working with most of the major underwriters and Seeking LOCAL independant title searcher(s) for regular work in the following PA counties:
Cameron...[more info]

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