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Offshoring title searches... - Robert Franco/OH
2/22/2008 2:00:06 PM (4192 views)

Indepth Solutions - Dan Zook/NY
2/22/2008 11:20:24 AM (3001 views)

I checked the forum about these folks and I see where others have been contacted but no feedback yet.

We talked to them and told them we were nervous and that we would be willing to start working for them but that we wanted to take it slow.  The next day they sent us 11 full searches, copies, plat maps the whole deal.

This feels wrong ... anyone have any feedback?

We are going to ask for cash up front.  I could get some sort of legal contract signed but I doubt that something like that would keep them from not paying if that is what they intend.  I am assuming they will refuse to pay up front, but I think I am o.k. with that ... I think?

Am I being too reactionary?  We have just been burned so many times in situations exactly like this.  The work sure would be nice ... the volume they are talking about is huge.


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Re: Indepth Solutions - Debbie Thibodeaux/LA
2/22/2008 12:47:28 PM (3373 views)
Re: Indepth Solutions - Dan Zook/NY
2/22/2008 1:00:51 PM (3211 views)
Re: Indepth Solutions - Scott Perry/PA
2/22/2008 2:07:37 PM (3166 views)
Re: Indepth Solutions - . APS/NY
2/24/2008 8:47:59 PM (3006 views)
Re: Indepth Solutions - Lisa  Anderson/OR
2/25/2008 1:00:23 PM (2971 views)
Re: Indepth Solutions - Julie Sumpter/CA
2/25/2008 4:39:34 PM (3017 views)
Re: Indepth Solutions - george Hubka/MI
2/25/2008 7:33:52 PM (2961 views)
Re: Indepth Solutions - J Nisonger/CA
2/25/2008 7:52:26 PM (2888 views)
Re: Indepth Solutions - Ron McPherson/IA
2/26/2008 2:14:55 AM (3117 views)
Re: Indepth Solutions - Dan Zook/NY
2/26/2008 8:43:17 AM (3130 views)
Re: Indepth Solutions - Dan Zook/NY
2/26/2008 8:40:18 AM (3096 views)
Re: Indepth Solutions - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/26/2008 9:22:45 AM (3111 views)
Re: Indepth Solutions - george Hubka/MI
2/26/2008 8:49:09 PM (3141 views)
Re: Indepth Solutions - Dan Zook/NY
2/27/2008 8:41:49 AM (3112 views)
Re: Indepth Solutions - J Nisonger/CA
2/27/2008 8:57:35 PM (3045 views)
Re: Indepth Solutions - Dan Zook/NY
2/28/2008 8:41:07 AM (2990 views)
Re: Indepth Solutions - J Nisonger/CA
2/27/2008 3:28:31 AM (3168 views)
Re: Indepth Solutions - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/27/2008 4:45:36 AM (3176 views)
Re: Indepth Solutions - Jennifer Perez/ID
3/11/2008 4:11:38 PM (3011 views)

Pilot Search Co - Patricia M/IN
2/19/2008 1:55:18 PM (2899 views)
Re: Pilot Search Co - Danielle Nelson/WI
2/19/2008 2:56:11 PM (3143 views)
Re: Pilot Search Co - Scott Perry/PA
2/19/2008 5:14:29 PM (3149 views)
Re: Pilot Search Co - Candi Richter/NJ
2/19/2008 5:51:09 PM (3014 views)
Re: Pilot Search Co - Justin Holzer/PA
2/19/2008 7:00:15 PM (3088 views)
Re: Pilot Search Co - Kolin/NY
2/20/2008 7:47:14 AM (5359 views)
Re: Pilot Search Co - Robert Franco/OH
2/20/2008 10:12:56 AM (3114 views)
Re: Pilot Search Co - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/20/2008 10:43:56 AM (3037 views)
Re: Pilot Search Co - Chuck Yager/NY
2/22/2008 8:57:02 AM (3169 views)
Re: Pilot Search Co - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/22/2008 9:05:32 AM (3068 views)
Re: Pilot Search Co - Chuck Yager/NY
2/22/2008 9:58:59 AM (3130 views)
Re: Pilot Search Co - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/22/2008 10:02:41 AM (3045 views)
Re: Pilot Search Co - Robert Franco/OH
2/25/2008 12:29:14 PM (2956 views)
Re: Pilot Search Co - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/25/2008 12:34:21 PM (2846 views)
Re: Pilot Search Co - Debbie Thibodeaux/LA
2/25/2008 3:13:30 PM (2857 views)

Choicepoint? - Dan Zook/NY
2/19/2008 11:57:08 AM (3098 views)
Re: Choicepoint? - Scott Perry/PA
2/19/2008 5:11:10 PM (3206 views)
Re: Choicepoint? - Dan Zook/NY
2/20/2008 8:00:26 AM (2984 views)
Re: Choicepoint? - Cate Jones/NH
2/20/2008 10:11:17 AM (3107 views)
Re: Choicepoint? - Dan Zook/NY
2/21/2008 9:54:48 AM (3092 views)
Re: Choicepoint? - HAL DICKSON/VA
2/24/2008 6:45:05 PM (2937 views)
Re: Choicepoint? - Ron McPherson/IA
2/25/2008 2:10:49 AM (2945 views)
Re: Choicepoint? - Jessica Talley/NJ
2/25/2008 4:10:08 PM (2923 views)
Re: Choicepoint? - Ron McPherson/IA
2/25/2008 5:08:44 PM (2815 views)
Re: Choicepoint? - Pam Sola/VA
2/25/2008 4:11:47 PM (2932 views)
Re: Choicepoint? - Ron McPherson/IA
2/25/2008 5:14:18 PM (2914 views)
Re: Choicepoint? - HAL DICKSON/VA
2/25/2008 7:32:12 PM (2837 views)
Re: Choicepoint? - Ron McPherson/IA
2/26/2008 2:20:05 AM (4537 views)
Re: Choicepoint? - Cate Jones/NH
2/26/2008 10:37:50 AM (3025 views)
Re: Choicepoint? - george Hubka/MI
2/26/2008 8:53:55 PM (2971 views)
Re: Choicepoint? - Cate Jones/NH
3/10/2008 10:01:18 AM (2898 views)
Re: Choicepoint? - Debbie Thibodeaux/LA
2/26/2008 2:46:49 PM (2970 views)
Re: Choicepoint? - Dan Zook/NY
2/27/2008 8:44:32 AM (2975 views)

Lighthouse? - Dan Zook/NY
2/19/2008 10:57:00 AM (2305 views)

Real Title Services

Quantum Abstract/NY - ANTHONY MUZIO/NY
2/17/2008 12:54:21 PM (2431 views)

No pay from Jacqueline Battle - mollie cardell/SC
2/15/2008 3:32:02 PM (2848 views)
Re: No pay from Jacqueline Battle - Wendi See/SC
2/16/2008 11:46:15 AM (3077 views)
Re: No pay from Jacqueline Battle - george Hubka/MI
2/19/2008 10:13:00 PM (2770 views)

Input on Paridise Settlement - Debbie Thibodeaux/LA
2/15/2008 10:27:02 AM (2748 views)
Re: Input on Paridise Settlement - James Mohrmann/VA
2/19/2008 10:41:49 AM (2948 views)

Absolute Property Services - Rob/NY
2/13/2008 2:52:52 PM (3116 views)
Re: Absolute Property Services - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/13/2008 4:24:29 PM (3077 views)
Re: Absolute Property Services - Jay Duncan/MO
2/14/2008 1:19:16 PM (3134 views)
Re: Absolute Property Services - Carol Smith-Baker/MD
2/20/2008 11:38:37 AM (3387 views)
Re: Absolute Property Services - Donna D'Amore/PA
2/19/2008 10:18:51 AM (2925 views)
Re: Absolute Property Services - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/19/2008 11:57:05 AM (2863 views)
Re: Absolute Property Services - David Lederman/NY
2/19/2008 1:53:41 PM (3165 views)
Re: Absolute Property Services - James "Lin" Toney/MS
2/19/2008 11:53:42 PM (3177 views)
Re: Absolute Property Services - Wayne Schutt II/NY
2/22/2008 8:21:05 AM (3222 views)
Re: Absolute Property Services - Phil McLean/CO
2/19/2008 5:26:48 PM (3108 views)
Re: Absolute Property Services - Scott Perry/PA
2/19/2008 8:11:27 PM (3120 views)
Re: Absolute Property Services - Rob/NY
2/20/2008 7:58:18 AM (3160 views)
Re: Absolute Property Services - Loretta Reed/MD
2/20/2008 9:32:36 AM (3422 views)
Re: Absolute Property Services - President President/NY
2/20/2008 3:13:53 PM (3568 views)
Re: Absolute Property Services - Loretta Reed/MD
2/20/2008 4:43:33 PM (3307 views)
Re: Absolute Property Services - Wayne Schutt II/NY
2/22/2008 8:18:47 AM (3116 views)
Re: Absolute Property Services - Donna D'Amore/PA
2/26/2008 12:56:22 PM (3185 views)
Re: Absolute Property Services update - Phil McLean/CO
3/3/2008 4:03:28 PM (3189 views)

2/13/2008 2:04:59 PM (6060 views)
Re: SAFEGUARD TITLE - thomas reale/NY
2/19/2008 5:23:42 PM (3840 views)
Re: SAFEGUARD TITLE - Mark Russomanno/NJ
3/3/2008 6:34:37 PM (3370 views)
3/4/2008 11:31:14 AM (3299 views)

searchlight abstract - denise davenport/NY
2/12/2008 3:13:33 PM (3111 views)
Re: searchlight abstract - george Hubka/MI
2/12/2008 3:30:33 PM (3047 views)
Re: searchlight abstract - Natalie Collier/NY
2/12/2008 8:18:17 PM (3101 views)
Re: searchlight abstract - /NY
2/15/2008 10:13:05 AM (3032 views)
Re: searchlight abstract - Jessica Talley/NJ
2/15/2008 10:15:39 AM (3087 views)
Re: searchlight abstract - Jessica Talley/NJ
2/13/2008 10:31:38 AM (2937 views)
Re: searchlight abstract - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/13/2008 11:20:45 AM (2893 views)
Re: searchlight abstract - Jessica Talley/NJ
2/13/2008 4:09:08 PM (2820 views)
Re: searchlight abstract - george Hubka/MI
2/19/2008 10:24:36 PM (3022 views)
Re: searchlight abstract - James "Lin" Toney/MS
2/20/2008 12:35:32 AM (2842 views)
Re: searchlight abstract - Debra Janssen/NY
2/17/2008 8:51:59 PM (3011 views)

Best Rural Counties for Quality of Life - David Bloys/TX
2/12/2008 11:12:25 AM (3352 views)

2/11/2008 10:50:12 AM (3577 views)

Don't do work for The Bertrum Group! - Chloe Niglio/PA
2/11/2008 10:11:40 AM (3154 views)
Re: Don't do work for The Bertrum Group! - george Hubka/MI
2/11/2008 4:53:17 PM (3079 views)
Re: Don't do work for The Bertrum Group! - Donna D'Amore/PA
2/19/2008 9:37:23 AM (3026 views)
Re: Don't do work for The Bertrum Group! - Cate Jones/NH
2/19/2008 9:55:13 AM (2925 views)
Re: Don't do work for The Bertrum Group! - george Hubka/MI
2/19/2008 10:32:25 PM (3042 views)
Re: Don't do work for The Bertrum Group! - Donna D'Amore/PA
2/20/2008 12:01:55 PM (3268 views)
Re: Don't do work for The Bertrum Group! - george Hubka/MI
2/24/2008 9:28:07 PM (3197 views)
Re: Don't do work for The Bertrum Group! - Chloe Niglio/PA
2/25/2008 9:14:47 AM (3191 views)
Re: Don't do work for The Bertrum Group! - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/25/2008 9:28:08 AM (3088 views)
Re: Don't do work for The Bertrum Group! - george Hubka/MI
2/25/2008 4:15:41 PM (3067 views)
Re: Don't do work for The Bertrum Group! - Chloe Niglio/PA
2/25/2008 4:29:02 PM (3087 views)
Re: Don't do work for The Bertrum Group! - george Hubka/MI
2/25/2008 7:48:23 PM (3237 views)
Re: Don't do work for The Bertrum Group! - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/26/2008 9:02:23 AM (3147 views)
Re: Don't do work for The Bertrum Group! - Chloe Niglio/PA
2/26/2008 3:11:27 PM (3194 views)
Re: Don't do work for The Bertrum Group! - Scott Perry/PA
2/26/2008 8:58:59 PM (3384 views)
Re: Don't do work for The Bertrum Group! - george Hubka/MI
2/27/2008 10:32:13 AM (2932 views)
Re: Don't do work for The Bertrum Group! - Scott Perry/PA
2/27/2008 4:22:31 PM (3039 views)
Re: Don't do work for The Bertrum Group! - J Nisonger/CA
2/25/2008 7:16:49 PM (3043 views)
Re: Don't do work for The Bertrum Group! - george Hubka/MI
2/25/2008 7:43:35 PM (3179 views)
Re: Don't do work for The Bertrum Group! - J Nisonger/CA
2/25/2008 8:01:55 PM (3178 views)
Re: Don't do work for The Bertrum Group! - george Hubka/MI
2/26/2008 9:03:13 PM (3257 views)
Re: Don't do work for The Bertrum Group! - Chloe Niglio/PA
2/27/2008 9:31:11 AM (3014 views)
Re: Don't do work for The Bertrum Group! - george Hubka/MI
2/27/2008 10:31:00 AM (3004 views)

How to get County to comply with their own rules - Constance Foye/VA
2/9/2008 12:16:55 PM (2508 views)
Re: How to get County to comply with their own rules - Robert Franco/OH
2/9/2008 2:09:44 PM (2679 views)
Re: How to get County to comply with their own rules - STEVE MEINECKE/TN
2/9/2008 5:15:55 PM (2737 views)
Re: How to get County to comply with their own rules - Constance Foye/VA
2/10/2008 7:58:03 PM (2499 views)
Re: How to get County to comply with their own rules - STEVE MEINECKE/TN
2/10/2008 9:49:25 PM (2661 views)
Re: How to get County to comply with their own rules - William Pattison /CA
2/11/2008 11:45:16 AM (2462 views)
Re: How to get County to comply with their own rules - Janice/OH
2/14/2008 10:18:40 PM (2553 views)
Re: How to get County to comply with their own rules - Shannon Blatt/VA
2/25/2008 11:00:43 PM (2908 views)
Re: How to get County to comply with their own rules - William Pattison /CA
3/18/2008 5:35:13 PM (2754 views)

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