Andrew, I just want to clarify some things. I am one of the owners of
AbstractorPro (and Real Title Services, and an earlier vendor management
company prior to that), and I have literally daydreamed for years of having
software that was just perfect for what we do, and that is accessible from my
iPhone or iPad so I did not have to be stuck at a desk for 10-to-12 hours a
day. But it also had to be affordable and super easy to learn and use. I have
personally looked into at least 10 different software applications over the
years, hoping at least one of them would be good enough for an abstracting,
vendor-management-type company like mine. I found them all to be lacking in
one-way-or-another. Whether it really did not streamline the workflow process,
or it just wasn't easy enough for the non-tech savvy person like myself, or it
was stupidly expensive.
I finally saved up enough money to hire world class software developers. Initially the developers built it just for us. And somewhere along the way we started thinking it would be great to sell the software to others in our industry. I honestly felt there would be hundreds, if not thousands, of people who felt the way I did in terms of needing software just for abstractors.
To your point, I am very, very leery of client/vendor info theft myself. I think we probably all are in this industry. I used to be pretty easy-going about it until I had employees and vendors start up their own company taking some of my clients/vendors with them. I take this very seriously. When deciding to partner with the developers of AbstractorPro™, we started a corporation called Vendor Management Inc. This corporation runs and operates the sales and continued support and development of AbstractorPro™. The developer has all of the intellectual property secured, trademarked, copyrighted, etc. I have nothing to do with the technical end of things. The developers have all information on a cloud with massive server functions and of course SECURITY. All is secure, and no one can get in there and steal any information. Frankly, none of us at Real Title Services or the sales team of AbstractorPro™ would even know how to steal your client info. But more importantly, we never would, not even if we could. That isn’t why we created this software—we created it to help abstractors and vendor managers. We created it to improve our community—not to rip it off.
Additionally, I did make sure the attorney who drew up the terms and conditions for AbstractorPro™ put language in there about how NO information a company enters into their AbstractorPro™ would ever be utilized commercially in any way by ANYONE from AbstractorPro™. Here is one of the statements on the Terms and Conditions: “Unless specifically permitted by you, your use of the Website and Services does not grant us the license to use, reproduce, adapt, modify, publish or distribute the Content created by you or stored in your user account for commercial, marketing or any similar purpose".
About your solicitation emails, we have collected email addresses from years in business from many sources. When someone requests their email get taken off, we try religiously to delete it immediately. Sometimes a person may unsubscribe one email address from a company, but there may be other email addresses from the same company left on the list. Various iterations of this kind of thing can create situations where someone can be displeased with the emails they receive—we understand that. But as I said, we do our best to honor a person’s request to be removed, and we would never re-add people. This is not something we have ever done.
I wish you had addressed your misgivings to me personally. I hate to air things like this on this forum. It can put people off and I might lose sales because of it. I don’t have any misgivings about you and your company. We very much thought of you as an EXCELLENT company to work with. You guys are professionals and know what you are doing. I would recommend you to others in a heartbeat. In fact, I have a vague memory that I asked you to keep working for us. But as I recall you did not want us to email you so often requesting confirmation of orders. And we had to part ways because I could not promise that we would not email you so much as it is pretty firm policy at RTS to get an acknowledgement and eta from any searcher for every work order we send them. This is generally industry standard, and we really must get confirmation stating the order was received with an eta. You didn’t want to do this, so we stopped working together, but we feel no need to malign you because of this, or impugn your reputation, or suggest disreputable things about you because we had different needs and wants, and we would respectfully request the same of you. You are still in our system for Real Title Services, and we would gladly welcome you back. You have written us some very nice emails over the years and you and I have had some pleasant conversations. I hope the best for you. Tell me, what software are you using? - - Totally messin’ wit ya!!! Patty
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