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It never stops - Kolin/NY
3/12/2008 2:00:45 PM (2831 views)

[+] Abstractors A Gogo, LLC - Christine Sheeler/PA (1 reply)
3/11/2008 7:45:14 PM (3727 views)

[+] RightNow Consulting - Jean Allen/NC (4 replies)
3/11/2008 7:12:15 PM (3173 views)

[+] Good Companies - Stephanie /SC (4 replies)
3/10/2008 2:09:52 PM (3295 views)

[+] E&O Insurance - Michelle Van Meter/VA (1 reply)
3/10/2008 1:50:21 PM (3145 views)

Real Title Services

[+] TSS Abstract Express - Smitty Strickland/SC (2 replies)
3/7/2008 1:37:19 PM (3369 views)

[+] PA Abstractors... Can you help? - Kolin/NY (6 replies)
3/5/2008 4:03:19 PM (3301 views)

Sovereign Title Agency LP - . APS/NY
3/5/2008 3:21:11 PM (5004 views)

[+] Wow Rob that's alot of companies - Amy Tatusko/VA (1 reply)
3/4/2008 7:38:53 PM (3495 views)

[+] hot list or leads - Derrick whitaker/NC (2 replies)
3/4/2008 3:05:13 PM (3064 views)

[+] Lender Services Direct - Joyce/NM (16 replies)
3/4/2008 11:28:00 AM (4006 views)

[+] Millard Rubenstein - . APS/NY (1 reply)
3/4/2008 10:51:58 AM (4545 views)

[+] Outsourcing - Janis Talbot/SC (4 replies)
3/4/2008 8:06:54 AM (3163 views)

[-] Just Out of Curiosity... - Scott Perry/PA (15 replies)
3/3/2008 8:09:30 PM (3052 views)
Re: Just Out of Curiosity... - Laurie E/MD
3/3/2008 9:11:50 PM (3695 views)
Re: Just Out of Curiosity... - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/4/2008 7:24:47 AM (3632 views)
Re: Just Out of Curiosity... - Janis Talbot/SC
3/4/2008 7:56:51 AM (3548 views)
Re: Just Out of Curiosity... - Barbara Bennett/IN
3/4/2008 8:43:27 AM (3665 views)
Re: Just Out of Curiosity... - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/4/2008 8:48:34 AM (3659 views)
Re: Just Out of Curiosity... - Amy Tatusko/VA
3/4/2008 6:56:52 PM (3718 views)
Re: Just Out of Curiosity... - george Hubka/MI
3/4/2008 8:44:13 PM (3669 views)
Re: Just Out of Curiosity... - Scott Perry/PA
3/5/2008 1:07:33 AM (3504 views)
Re: Just Out of Curiosity... - Scott Perry/PA
3/5/2008 1:06:15 AM (3578 views)
Re: Just Out of Curiosity... - Marian Littleton/VA
3/5/2008 2:35:42 PM (3473 views)
Re: Just Out of Curiosity... - george Hubka/MI
3/5/2008 6:49:11 PM (3571 views)
Re: Just Out of Curiosity... - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/5/2008 10:43:18 PM (3689 views)
Some municipalities have statutory rights to liens...such as real estate tax liens, etc. Abstractors are not that fortunate. They have to do it the old fashioned way and get a judgment from small claims court or the superior court.

In Connecticut each city and town maintains its own school didtrict. The school district is part of the municipality. If there is any money owing to the town...it has the right to lien property. We have personal property taxes here on our cars. If you do not pay it you can not get your car registered at motor vehicles. About two years ago the town started threatening to lien your property if it was not paid. Reminds me I have to pay mine tomorrow.

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Re: Just Out of Curiosity... - Robert Franco/OH
3/6/2008 10:51:31 AM (3649 views)
Re: Just Out of Curiosity... - Joyce/NM
3/6/2008 11:00:27 AM (3566 views)
Re: Just Out of Curiosity... - Jean Allen/NC
3/10/2008 4:21:23 PM (4056 views)

Mortgage Company Leads - Mark Russomanno/NJ
3/3/2008 6:42:03 PM (2488 views)

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We are an AMERICAN production and marketplace company, working with most of the major underwriters and Seeking LOCAL independant title searcher(s) for regular work in the following PA counties:
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