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[+] Online Philadelphia County Search Needed - Jason Sheppard/PA (24 replies)
3/20/2008 5:08:55 PM (3427 views)

davila title/emd title - gina lamb/VA
3/20/2008 12:06:37 PM (2938 views)

[-] K.E.L. Title in FLA - . APS/NY (8 replies)
3/19/2008 9:56:15 PM (3485 views)
Re: K.E.L. Title in FLA - Vikki Moffitt/GA
3/20/2008 8:57:30 AM (4777 views)
Re: K.E.L. Title in FLA - . APS/NY
4/5/2008 6:38:38 AM (4593 views)
Re: K.E.L. Title in FLA - Kevin Ahern/CT
4/5/2008 7:34:43 AM (4563 views)
Re: K.E.L. Title in FLA - george Hubka/MI
4/5/2008 10:40:25 PM (4549 views)
Re: K.E.L. Title in FLA - Kevin Ahern/CT
4/6/2008 5:58:25 AM (4649 views)
I think you mean "endorsed and cashed under protest." It may or may not work depending upon the facts of the case, the law of the forum state and the judge that is hearing the case. It is best not to open the door to the defense at all.

Several years ago I was sharing expenses on the purchase of a copy machine with a mortgage brokerage on the same floor as my office. The copying machine owner became somewhat obnoxious about payment, and sent some woman to my office to complain. When the problem was brought to my attention I immediately cut them a check for my half of the purchase price, and marked the check paid in full for my half. Apparently the mortgage brokerage was a little slow with payment. The copy machine owner kept trying to collect the mortgage brokerage's expenses from me. However, he had cashed the check I had given him, and was foreclosed from any further collection against my firm. Eventually he was paid by the mortgage brokerage, but not quickly.

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Re: K.E.L. Title in FLA - george Hubka/MI
4/7/2008 4:31:27 PM (4479 views)
Re: K.E.L. Title in FLA - Kevin Ahern/CT
4/7/2008 6:01:35 PM (4566 views)
Re: K.E.L. Title in FLA - george Hubka/MI
4/8/2008 10:11:22 AM (4457 views)

[+] Mortgage Information Services - Kristi Lee/NE (7 replies)
3/19/2008 6:46:01 PM (3804 views)

[+] Contemporary Realty Question... - Joyce/NM (7 replies)
3/19/2008 4:10:59 PM (3648 views)

Real Title Services

[+] NCO Financial Systems Inc. - Dan Zook/NY (12 replies)
3/19/2008 12:33:13 PM (4004 views)

[+] Docs Plus - Joyce/NM (1 reply)
3/18/2008 3:55:29 PM (3351 views)

[+] Dept. of Justice Liens - Virginia Capps/TN (6 replies)
3/18/2008 2:24:54 PM (3779 views)

[+] Trident Title -Ohio - Rhonda Vaughn/MI (4 replies)
3/18/2008 11:06:02 AM (3518 views)

[+] Receivership...a possible new approach to dealing with delinquent clients - Kevin Ahern/CT (5 replies)
3/17/2008 6:49:26 AM (3160 views)

[+] ASA Real Estate - NO PAYERS! - Thomas W/FL (6 replies)
3/16/2008 12:21:36 AM (3333 views)

[+] Expanding abstract services to DNA - David Bloys/TX (4 replies)
3/14/2008 12:33:28 PM (3078 views)

[+] Great and fun names to search - Jay Duncan/MO (55 replies)
3/13/2008 4:42:49 PM (3538 views)

[+] Please Read This - . APS/NY (2 replies)
3/13/2008 1:36:21 PM (3426 views)

[+] Doom and Gloom - Jessica Talley/NJ (12 replies)
3/12/2008 3:33:06 PM (3504 views)

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We are an AMERICAN production and marketplace company, working with most of the major underwriters and Seeking LOCAL independant title searcher(s) for regular work in the following PA counties:
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