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[+] Fox 1 Financial - Patricia M/IN (8 replies)
4/2/2008 1:18:13 PM (4209 views)

[+] Eclipse - Patricia M/IN (6 replies)
4/2/2008 1:16:33 PM (3634 views)

[+] Good Work, Jay - Patrick Scott/IL (3 replies)
4/2/2008 10:09:12 AM (5162 views)

[+] BRB Abstracting, Inc. - Ron McPherson/IA (6 replies)
4/1/2008 11:05:27 PM (4299 views)

Cup Half Full - . APS/NY
4/1/2008 9:30:50 PM (3032 views)

Real Title Services

[+] non payment for services - Robert Alvey/VA (2 replies)
4/1/2008 6:27:28 PM (4079 views)

[+] What is the Biggest Problem? - Jeanine Johnson/FL (2 replies)
4/1/2008 4:10:14 PM (3612 views)

[+] Accurate Group - Happier News - Leigh Attridge/MA (1 reply)
4/1/2008 2:13:54 PM (3782 views)

[+] Recession Myth? - Jack Johanson/PA (3 replies)
4/1/2008 11:32:22 AM (5075 views)

[+] Providing proof of E&O - Ronda Roaring/NY (9 replies)
4/1/2008 11:03:51 AM (3709 views)

[+] Why Advertise on SOT?? - Wanda Steudel/OH (3 replies)
4/1/2008 10:42:40 AM (3574 views)

[-] P & W title - Theresa Ritz/WV (3 replies)
3/31/2008 2:18:13 PM (3723 views)
Re: P & W title - Wendi See/SC
3/31/2008 9:57:35 PM (5413 views)
I don't have better contact info than you do, but I am very surprised you are having trouble with Wayne.  I think I'll call him myself because I worry that something is wrong.  His wife works for him in the office, but her health wasn't good at one point.  I'd hate to learn that something is wrong.  While he tends to be a little scatter-brained on the business end, he is scrupulously honest, that's why I'm so surprised.  I used to work for him in VA, personally as an abstractor for P & W.  He always pays his abstractors, even if he has to get a 90-day loan at the bank to cover it when he gets stiffed personally, so I would send him a letter voicing your frustration.  I can't imagine that he has no intention of paying like so many others.


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Re: P & W title - martha campbell/VA
4/7/2008 5:31:41 PM (5318 views)
Re: P & W title - Jessica/VA
4/8/2008 10:05:49 AM (5341 views)

[+] Non Paying Companies - Arme Hill/AL (1 reply)
3/31/2008 11:31:47 AM (3721 views)

[+] Accurate Group - Leigh Attridge/MA (1 reply)
3/31/2008 9:12:01 AM (3618 views)

[+] Even more lack of privacy... - J Nisonger/CA (7 replies)
3/27/2008 5:35:27 PM (4980 views)

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