Too many of our records are ending up in "county museum's" here in Minnesota, as if these elected officials haven't already done enough damage to the abstracters and their profession. I'm sorry, but our records were sold off in private sales, to other online sources through out the state (the counties retain the right to sell copies only if you subscribe monthly), some records are now controlled out of state and/or in private hands, most new online tract indexes now contain copyright language through out. Some of the county recorders, like in the cases of Carlton and Winona Counties, in MN, just put a computer in the hallway of the courthouse, and that's our profession. Screw the people and the asset backed securities, why isn't the BAR suing these clowns in Minnesota? or the SEC stepping in? Or how about the Bankruptcy courts? I see the future, all mortgages are going to be come null and void, for failure of control of the records and these other clowns watching (SEC and the BAR), deserve what is coming. I'm glad I have no mortgage's. I see the courthouses as "crime scene's" through out, all run by criminals, some wearing black robes, like a ritual. And I am a former 10 Torrens Deputy Recorder, I left for many of the reason's above. I knew we were in trouble when the county commissioners were hiring clowns out of the school district as dept. heads of the auditor/treasurer/recorder/assessor. 2 of those (married) clowns in my county were so disgraced as having affairs with each other (both ended in divorce and family breakups). I would transfer calls in the head clown of the dept into Mr sex addict, so I could have him, come back to me in front of every other employee, to come screaming and admitting, "stop sending me those calls, you know I do not know how to calculate redemption periods for the sheriffs office on mechanic lien rights after foreclosure of a mortgage".. I put out some of the best shows, by repeating that phone transfer calls stuff all the time to the sex clown. My reply was, I started on the phone, you can too. You want that chair in the corner with respect from we employees, you best learn your job. I knew he didn't dare fire me, I was the one signing the certificates of title as his deputy. My duty was to the people, not to the sex clowns in the corner office. Trust me, those employees, loved every second of the real shows. That sex clown NEVER got any respect from any employee/developer/title company, and the only losers were the taxpayers. I became a tax administrative tribunal judge for a city in that county, under the MN Dept of Revenue. The city (the largest in that county) has over 75K people in it. Those that put me in that nearly 20 year tribunal position, knew, that I was a great asset for the taxing authorities who appraise property (County Assessor), knew, I knew the back stories of the clowns, all of them. The County Assessor, always had great mutual respect and we worked very well together until my retirement out of public offices/oaths/government. I still hold the new assessor in high regard. (Many in these courthouses heads/officials are in private clubs/secret societies and have other oaths to those clubs. Some are blackmailed and controlled). The taxpayers need to start paying attention to the clowns in their courthouses, it hasn't gotten better. "Tampon Tim" is the tip of the iceberg.

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