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[+] ATR Title, Inc a/k/a Applied Technology Resources, Inc? - Jean Allen/NC (4 replies)
8/20/2008 6:15:56 PM (6368 views)

[+] LFC - Christopher Denham/GA (3 replies)
8/18/2008 7:01:08 PM (3408 views)

[+] 1099... does anyone know - J Nisonger/CA (5 replies)
8/18/2008 6:54:17 PM (3218 views)

[+] FUN!! - Joyce/NM (2 replies)
8/18/2008 5:30:40 PM (5219 views)

[+] Exceptional Abstactors - Rob  Robinson/PA (4 replies)
8/18/2008 4:57:07 PM (3650 views)

Real Title Services

[+] covering the cost of abstract and examination - Diane Cipa/PA (8 replies)
8/16/2008 2:29:47 PM (3408 views)

[+] NALTEA Conference Survey - Patrick Scott/IL (2 replies)
8/15/2008 11:57:35 AM (4555 views)

Good Soldier Story - Kurt deVries/FL
8/15/2008 10:52:19 AM (2267 views)

[+] www.abstractorwatchdog.com - . APS/NY (2 replies)
8/15/2008 9:43:03 AM (3434 views)

[+] Patriot Title Agency of Canton Ohio - Brad Bradbury/PA (2 replies)
8/15/2008 12:41:46 AM (3469 views)

[+] Some More LFC Stuff - Kenneth Signor/SC (2 replies)
8/14/2008 11:30:24 PM (2997 views)

[+] Archer Land Title - Stephanie Herring/SC (3 replies)
8/14/2008 7:37:55 PM (3022 views)

[+] Global Data Source - Smitty Strickland/SC (13 replies)
8/14/2008 5:03:34 PM (3140 views)

[-] www.abstractorwatchdog.com - Dan Zook/NY (39 replies)
8/14/2008 3:17:48 PM (5219 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - Dan Zook/NY
8/14/2008 3:32:06 PM (2996 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - Smitty Strickland/SC
8/14/2008 5:12:13 PM (2867 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - Robert Franco/OH
8/14/2008 5:18:59 PM (3311 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - . APS/NY
8/14/2008 9:06:34 PM (3039 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - Robert Franco/OH
8/15/2008 12:23:44 AM (3334 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - . APS/NY
8/15/2008 7:53:45 AM (2921 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - Kevin Ahern/CT
8/15/2008 6:05:26 PM (2854 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - Robert Franco/OH
8/16/2008 12:58:44 PM (2690 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - Kevin Ahern/CT
8/16/2008 1:51:26 PM (2628 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - PATRICIA PALMER-ILKO/PA
8/17/2008 4:31:59 PM (2589 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - . APS/NY
8/17/2008 8:15:50 PM (2687 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - PATRICIA PALMER-ILKO/PA
8/26/2008 3:44:06 PM (2503 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - PATRICIA PALMER-ILKO/PA
9/5/2008 5:22:58 PM (2681 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - Scott Perry/PA
8/14/2008 9:14:24 PM (2814 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - . APS/NY
8/15/2008 7:46:40 AM (2698 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - charles jetter/OH
8/18/2008 8:18:14 AM (2498 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - Donna Stovall/NY
8/18/2008 1:04:17 PM (2634 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - Kevin Ahern/CT
8/18/2008 1:40:38 PM (2607 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - STEVE MEINECKE/TN
8/18/2008 2:01:42 PM (2595 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - . APS/NY
8/18/2008 1:53:30 PM (2601 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - Donna Stovall/NY
8/18/2008 2:32:35 PM (2642 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - Kevin Ahern/CT
8/18/2008 4:35:28 PM (2410 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - Erin Carraway/NY
8/18/2008 3:48:03 PM (2514 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - Robert Franco/OH
8/18/2008 10:39:43 PM (2481 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - . APS/NY
8/19/2008 10:35:34 AM (2534 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - STEVE MEINECKE/TN
8/19/2008 11:15:42 AM (2461 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - Robert Franco/OH
8/19/2008 11:20:35 AM (2569 views)
Rob Arnold and 4 Hour Abstract - Slade Smith/OH
8/19/2008 12:01:24 PM (7669 views)
Re: Rob Arnold and 4 Hour Abstract - . APS/NY
8/19/2008 2:32:39 PM (2656 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - Manager . /NY
8/19/2008 2:25:37 PM (2416 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - Erin Carraway/NY
8/19/2008 2:34:07 PM (5068 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - Robert Franco/OH
8/19/2008 3:12:32 PM (2468 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - Dan Zook/NY
8/20/2008 9:09:39 AM (2469 views)

Thanks Erin - I think that was my original intention when I unknowingly opened this can of worms.  $5 is nothing compared to the amount of resources spent on trying to collect from non-paying clients.

Rob's reputation aside - if the site doesn't work for me, I'm out $5.  I think I will risk it.



Dan Zook

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Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - GA Title Services/GA
8/15/2008 9:23:35 AM (2499 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - Rob  Robinson/PA
8/15/2008 10:32:07 AM (2607 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - Diane Cipa/PA
8/15/2008 1:58:03 PM (2527 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - . APS/NY
8/15/2008 6:40:05 PM (2498 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - charles jetter/OH
8/18/2008 8:20:49 AM (2461 views)
Re: www.abstractorwatchdog.com - . APS/NY
8/18/2008 8:27:51 AM (2414 views)

[+] Great LFC quote - Matt Papsch/MD (10 replies)
8/13/2008 11:16:48 PM (3379 views)

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