Like many attorneys who base their opinions on what they read, rather than real life experiences, I must agree with Scott that even with facts, it is like talking to a wall. The phrase comes to mind - "Don't confuse me with the facts, my mind's already made up". Do I really have to dig up those TDY orders from 1990 (which I probably have somewhere), to prove to you that the governor activated the Air Guard PRIOR to the federal activiation? It is not worth my time or energy. I lived it - you didn't.
As for sour grapes, it sounds more like you are the one with sour grapes, probably not having been accepted on the law review of whatever law school you went to. He did, in fact, graduate from Harvard undergrad, attended Harvard Law School and graduated from Columbia Law School (he had to move closer to home the last year of law school to be closer to home since his Dad was dying - oh,yeah, that's right - Dems don't take care of their own - that's the government's job). He is currently a Federal Defense attorney in NY for while collar crimes and has been since the early 90s.
As for being perceived weak, I can't recall having an attack on American soil since 09/11/01. It is the Liberals who constantly berate the administration and the rouge nations who support Obama that are the weak ones.
If you would like to enlighten yourself by hearing Obama HIMSELF saying the quote I gave you earlier - here's the link: Please listen to the WHOLE thing - at least to Obama's speech.
Kevin, You are really much more fun when we talk about cooking. You get too vicious with your comments. BTW, any good new recipies?
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