Really? "She needed the votes to get the nomination?" I don't recall voting for Palin or anyone else in the Vice Presidential primary. Do you? She may have needed the votes of the delegates, but did you get to vote for your delegate? I didn't. The people were not represented in that choice - it was all controlled by the party.
As for it being a "wise" decision... I will have to disagree. Perhaps it will turn out to be a wise "strategy" if she brings in the disgruntled Hillary-supporters and appeals to some of the base of the republican party. But, if anything were to happen to McCain - she would be the President! Do you honestly think she would have a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected if she ran for that job? I would have preferred it if McCain would have chosen someone that we, the people, might have elected to be President. So... given her lack of experience, I don't think it was a wise "decision."
Robert A. Franco
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