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[+] iBird Corporation - Jay Duncan/MO (9 replies)
1/26/2021 11:45:09 AM (1887 views)

Times Title - Kurt deVries/FL
1/21/2021 11:24:05 AM (1376 views)

[+] Martin Luther King Day and Inuguration - Jeanine Johnson/MN (3 replies)
1/18/2021 12:20:46 PM (1622 views)

[+] SOT getting trolled hard today - Tony Costa/LA (2 replies)
1/18/2021 8:58:57 AM (1601 views)

WHERE IS DANA R. BIBLE - Vincent Clarance/CA
1/17/2021 9:38:00 PM (1497 views)

Real Title Services

[+] TITLE SERVICES DIRECT-NO PAY - Jason Knowles/AL (8 replies)
1/6/2021 12:21:12 PM (1934 views)

[+] DataTrace non-payment - John Rawlings/WI (5 replies)
12/28/2020 4:25:36 PM (2075 views)

[+] slow pay/no pay - David Faith/FL (2 replies)
12/21/2020 10:36:13 AM (1991 views)

[+] Soft Pro bad blood - John Rawlings/WI (2 replies)
12/21/2020 10:10:08 AM (1777 views)

[-] Quick Search - Back to Being a Non-Payer - Bruce Lutz/PA (11 replies)
12/11/2020 3:09:40 PM (2522 views)
Re: Quick Search - Back to Being a Non-Payer - Rene Blevins/VA
12/14/2020 11:48:46 AM (1831 views)
Re: Quick Search - Back to Being a Non-Payer - Scott Perry/PA
1/3/2021 11:25:20 PM (1715 views)
Thanks to the miracle of modern technology, anyone with a smartphone can negotiate an electronic copy of a check. Chase BankPNC Bank and a host of others have rolled out apps which allow a customer to deposit checks right to their account by simply taking a photo.  

You know, an enterprising abstractor may someday even devise a way to use this technology to their advantage.  I’m thinking a conversation between the vendor and client would go something like this:

VENDOR: This is Joe Blow from Joe’s Abstracts. We were just going over our receivables and we show you to be $1,500 in arrears. When do you think you’ll be able to bring this account current?

CLIENT: Gee, I dunno, accounting must’ve overlooked it. By the way, what’s the status of that full search we ordered from you last week?

VENDOR: It’s done and ready to go, but several of your invoices are aged past 90 days.  I’m afraid I won’t be able to release the work until your account is brought up-to-date. 

CLIENT: Well, since you put it that way, we’ll get a check out to you immediately!

VENDOR: OK, we’ll send your search as soon as your payment clears.

CLIENT: But I need that one right away. It’s a new customer (it’s ALWAYS a new customer), and if we can turn this one around for them quickly, it’ll impress them SO MUCH they’ll start sending TONS & TONS of work our way! (*Translation: I really, really, REALLY need that search, but I have no intention of actually paying you, so by dangling a $1,500 carrot on the end of a stick and promising you the moon, I’m hoping that I can cajole you into sending me the @!#$?%&* thing so I can get MY client off my back!*) 

VENDOR: Sweet! Say, tell you what, instead of you going to the time, trouble and expense of mailing it, just send it to my smartphone instead of faxing it. That way, it goes directly into my account, I can release your search and everyone's happy! Fair enough?

CLIENT: Ahem, uh *cough-cough* well then, ah--that is, um--I mean--uh, I think I hear my other line ringing, I'll have to get back to you! *click*

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Re: Quick Search - Back to Being a Non-Payer - Bruce Lutz/PA
1/7/2021 1:04:15 PM (1791 views)
Re: Quick Search - Back to Being a Non-Payer - Scott Perry/PA
1/8/2021 9:11:02 PM (1839 views)
Re: Quick Search - Back to Being a Non-Payer - Robert Franco/OH
2/5/2021 12:30:02 PM (1575 views)
Re: Quick Search - Back to Being a Non-Payer - Naomi Backes/NC
2/14/2021 1:58:39 PM (1503 views)
Re: Quick Search - Back to Being a Non-Payer - Lisa Searfoss (formerly Reinhart)/PA
2/5/2021 11:21:19 AM (1461 views)
Re: Quick Search - Back to Being a Non-Payer - Bruce Lutz/PA
2/11/2021 7:59:00 PM (1526 views)
Re: Quick Search - Back to Being a Non-Payer - george Hubka/MI
2/12/2021 7:33:52 PM (1543 views)
Re: Quick Search - Back to Being a Non-Payer - Tracy Aumick/PA
3/15/2021 9:03:31 AM (1378 views)
Re: Quick Search - Back to Being a Non-Payer - george Hubka/MI
3/23/2021 4:52:02 PM (1266 views)

[+] Title Freelancer - David Fagen/IL (6 replies)
12/7/2020 4:04:09 PM (2125 views)

California Bay Area update - Dana Zook/CA
12/7/2020 1:08:45 PM (1558 views)

COMMFORCE - NO PAY - Angela Sharp/CA
11/23/2020 7:30:38 PM (1971 views)

[+] DB Title - Carlyle Millard/WV (3 replies)
11/17/2020 1:36:54 PM (1941 views)

[+] Los Angeles? - Dan Zook/NY (6 replies)
11/16/2020 10:51:51 AM (1756 views)

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