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[+] Servicelink - Theresa Ritz/WV (5 replies)
8/25/2008 6:59:28 AM (3810 views)

8/23/2008 10:59:22 AM (3251 views)

[+] abstractor lien? - Cynthia Roakes/VA (7 replies)
8/22/2008 10:13:56 AM (3655 views)

[+] What is it with Infinity? - Kevin Ahern/CT (19 replies)
8/21/2008 12:06:15 PM (3548 views)

[+] OAITA - Anonymous/OH (6 replies)
8/20/2008 10:45:54 PM (6333 views)

Real Title Services

[+] RealtyData Corp / Datachek - Michael Vernon/AZ (2 replies)
8/20/2008 6:24:19 PM (3543 views)

[-] ATR Title, Inc a/k/a Applied Technology Resources, Inc? - Jean Allen/NC (4 replies)
8/20/2008 6:15:56 PM (6423 views)
Re: ATR Title, Inc a/k/a Applied Technology Resources, Inc? - Edward Huguenin/SC
6/6/2009 5:28:42 AM (3555 views)
Re: ATR Title, Inc a/k/a Applied Technology Resources, Inc? - Kimberly Gray/AR
6/9/2009 6:04:55 PM (3285 views)
Re: ATR Title, Inc a/k/a Applied Technology Resources, Inc? - Kesha Hamilton/TN
6/19/2009 10:34:30 AM (3313 views)


I am sooo glad I came to this site to research this company! They also posted this exact ad here in Memphis, TN. I responded to the ad and they sent me some training info and I haven't been able to get "Kristina" or "Laura" on the phone since. They told me to call back once I got done reading thru the materials, and they would give me a couple of "practice" runs. I am totally new to title abstracting, but am familiar with the terminology b/c I am a mortgage broker. They also told me that I would get paid every 30 days, which I found a bit unusual...

I am so glad to hear that those fees are "low-balling" it, b/c being that I am new to doingt it, I didn't know the average pay for these services. The most that I can say is that at least I got some free information out of them, bc other than that they seem to really suck on their service. How are you going to post an ad, tell me you would work with me to get started, and then not even respond to my calls or emails for almost 2 weeks?

Oh well, moving along...Whats the best way for me to get my foot in the door as a new title abstractor. Its something I've been wanting to get into for a while...

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Re: ATR Title, Inc a/k/a Applied Technology Resources, Inc? - David Woods/IN
2/8/2010 7:12:44 PM (6834 views)

[+] LFC - Christopher Denham/GA (3 replies)
8/18/2008 7:01:08 PM (3454 views)

[+] 1099... does anyone know - J Nisonger/CA (5 replies)
8/18/2008 6:54:17 PM (3265 views)

[+] FUN!! - Joyce/NM (2 replies)
8/18/2008 5:30:40 PM (5278 views)

[+] Exceptional Abstactors - Rob  Robinson/PA (4 replies)
8/18/2008 4:57:07 PM (3703 views)

[+] covering the cost of abstract and examination - Diane Cipa/PA (8 replies)
8/16/2008 2:29:47 PM (3483 views)

[+] NALTEA Conference Survey - Patrick Scott/IL (2 replies)
8/15/2008 11:57:35 AM (4624 views)

Good Soldier Story - Kurt deVries/FL
8/15/2008 10:52:19 AM (2321 views)

[+] www.abstractorwatchdog.com - . APS/NY (2 replies)
8/15/2008 9:43:03 AM (3495 views)

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