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OAITA Inaugural Meeting... - Robert Franco/OH
8/28/2008 2:08:57 PM (4137 views)
Re: OAITA Inaugural Meeting... - charles jetter/OH
9/3/2008 8:06:03 AM (2584 views)
Re: OAITA Inaugural Meeting... - Robert Franco/OH
9/3/2008 10:18:40 AM (2800 views)
Re: OAITA Inaugural Meeting... - Clanci Nelson/OH
9/10/2008 2:24:33 PM (2581 views)
Re: OAITA Inaugural Meeting... - Robert Franco/OH
9/10/2008 2:59:15 PM (2553 views)

I'm going to say it...if I can keep composed - Loretta Reed/MD
8/27/2008 10:10:55 AM (3788 views)
Re: I'm going to say it...if I can keep composed - michael quinn/NY
8/27/2008 10:42:29 AM (3693 views)
Re: I'm going to say it...if I can keep composed - Loretta Reed/MD
8/27/2008 10:47:52 AM (3288 views)
Re: I'm going to say it...if I can keep composed - Kevin Ahern/CT
8/27/2008 11:06:39 AM (3147 views)
Re: I'm going to say it...if I can keep composed - michael quinn/NY
8/27/2008 8:57:53 PM (3062 views)
Re: I'm going to say it...if I can keep composed - charles jetter/OH
9/3/2008 6:22:32 AM (3041 views)
Re: I'm going to say it...if I can keep composed - Robert Franco/OH
8/27/2008 11:59:10 AM (3039 views)
Re: I'm going to say it...if I can keep composed - Diane Cipa/PA
8/27/2008 1:48:31 PM (2999 views)
Re: I'm going to say it...if I can keep composed - Scott Perry/PA
8/27/2008 3:17:10 PM (3023 views)
Re: I'm going to say it...if I can keep composed - Matt Papsch/MD
8/28/2008 12:23:31 AM (2945 views)
Re: I'm going to say it...if I can keep composed - Mark Behnke/MO
8/28/2008 6:55:14 AM (2960 views)
Re: I'm going to say it...if I can keep composed - Loretta Reed/MD
8/28/2008 9:17:05 AM (2953 views)
Re: I'm going to say it...if I can keep composed - Scott Perry/PA
8/28/2008 9:28:14 AM (3054 views)
Re: I'm going to say it...if I can keep composed - charles jetter/OH
9/3/2008 6:31:58 AM (2775 views)
Re: I'm going to say it...if I can keep composed - Jessica Talley/NJ
8/28/2008 5:36:54 PM (2906 views)
Re: I'm going to say it...if I can keep composed - Jean Allen/NC
8/28/2008 6:37:33 PM (2808 views)
Re: I'm going to say it...if I can keep composed - Vikki Moffitt/GA
8/28/2008 9:17:07 PM (2979 views)

  Loretta, I believe that there are many out there that are suffering just like you and your family and that have those same 'type' of competitors lurking, just waiting for a moment to pounce. I know that my heart went out to you, when I first read your post. This is a difficult time for many; I know you will hang in there and that you will come out on the other side, better for having the experience and surviving it. I cannot remember who said this, but it goes something like moments in time do not define us, it is what we do in those moments that determine the ultimate outcome.

   Also, I must agree with many of the other opinions about competitors who behave like that when someone is down and hurting. They will reap the ultimate reward for that behavior.


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Re: I'm going to say it...if I can keep composed - Joyce/NM
8/28/2008 10:50:03 PM (3045 views)
Re: I'm going to say it...if I can keep composed - charles jetter/OH
9/3/2008 6:20:42 AM (2807 views)
Re: I'm going to say it...if I can keep composed - Melinda Barcum, J.D./AL
9/5/2008 7:14:59 PM (2761 views)
Re: I'm going to say it...if I can keep composed - Clanci Nelson/OH
10/17/2008 10:08:56 AM (2765 views)

On the lighter side... - Candi Richter/NJ
8/27/2008 9:40:19 AM (2909 views)
Re: On the lighter side... - Robert Franco/OH
8/27/2008 10:02:01 AM (2808 views)
Re: On the lighter side... - Scott Perry/PA
8/29/2008 12:40:39 AM (2670 views)

American Abstract - Terrie Kelly/MN
8/26/2008 1:47:56 PM (3240 views)
Re: American Abstract - Sophia Varga/NY
8/26/2008 3:38:17 PM (3066 views)
Re: American Abstract - Dan Zook/NY
8/26/2008 4:11:51 PM (3019 views)
Re: American Abstract - Tammy Skrzypek/VA
9/2/2008 2:07:52 PM (2936 views)

AFX Corp / Abstractors.com - Dan Zook/NY
8/26/2008 1:13:54 PM (3359 views)
Re: AFX Corp / Abstractors.com - Candi Richter/NJ
8/26/2008 1:29:39 PM (3219 views)
Re: AFX Corp / Abstractors.com - Dan Zook/NY
8/26/2008 2:07:08 PM (3074 views)
Re: AFX Corp / Abstractors.com - Virginia Capps/TN
8/26/2008 3:06:57 PM (2962 views)
Re: AFX Corp / Abstractors.com - ANTHONY MUZIO/NY
8/26/2008 4:11:07 PM (3126 views)
Re: AFX Corp / Abstractors.com - Dan Zook/NY
8/26/2008 4:16:40 PM (3059 views)
Re: AFX Corp / Abstractors.com - Jessica Talley/NJ
8/26/2008 5:44:20 PM (3069 views)
Re: AFX Corp / Abstractors.com - Patricia Turley/MI
9/2/2008 1:22:28 PM (3028 views)

Real Title Services

Richmond Title, TX - Ardel Richter/AR
8/25/2008 5:27:47 PM (3268 views)
Re: Richmond Title, TX - P Parrish/AL
8/25/2008 5:34:41 PM (3119 views)
Re: Richmond Title, TX - Jean Allen/NC
8/26/2008 8:20:49 AM (3104 views)
Re: Richmond Title, TX - Scott Perry/PA
8/27/2008 3:58:49 PM (3005 views)
Re: Richmond Title, TX - Jean Allen/NC
8/27/2008 5:12:30 PM (3034 views)
Re: Richmond Title, TX - Dan Zook/NY
8/26/2008 9:22:15 AM (2943 views)
Re: Richmond Title, TX - Jessica Talley/NJ
8/26/2008 5:45:58 PM (3030 views)

Lenders Processing Solution/ Doc Solutions - george Hubka/MI
8/25/2008 3:27:42 PM (2609 views)

Pilot Search Co - denise davenport/NY
8/25/2008 9:07:41 AM (2943 views)
Re: Pilot Search Co - NANCY WALLACE/NJ
8/25/2008 12:02:09 PM (3153 views)
Re: Pilot Search Co - george Hubka/MI
8/25/2008 3:20:27 PM (3166 views)
Re: Pilot Search Co - Jessica Talley/NJ
8/25/2008 6:22:47 PM (3018 views)

sending an invoice with the abstract - Diane Cipa/PA
8/25/2008 8:20:10 AM (3275 views)
Re: sending an invoice with the abstract - Matthew Sharpe/OH
8/25/2008 8:30:34 AM (3177 views)
Re: sending an invoice with the abstract - STEVE MEINECKE/TN
8/25/2008 9:06:52 AM (3114 views)
Re: sending an invoice with the abstract - Diane Cipa/PA
8/25/2008 1:21:08 PM (3072 views)
Re: sending an invoice with the abstract - PHILIP YIANILOS/VA
9/1/2008 8:18:35 AM (3034 views)
Re: sending an invoice with the abstract - STEVE MEINECKE/TN
9/1/2008 8:36:18 AM (2958 views)
Re: sending an invoice with the abstract - Diane Cipa/PA
8/25/2008 1:17:23 PM (2988 views)
Re: sending an invoice with the abstract - charles jetter/OH
8/25/2008 8:56:58 AM (3134 views)
Re: sending an invoice with the abstract - Robert Franco/OH
8/25/2008 10:18:37 AM (3092 views)
Re: sending an invoice with the abstract - Diane Cipa/PA
8/25/2008 1:23:18 PM (3132 views)

Servicelink - Theresa Ritz/WV
8/25/2008 6:59:28 AM (3735 views)
Re: Servicelink - george Hubka/MI
8/25/2008 3:14:54 PM (3388 views)
Re: Servicelink - anonymous/WA
8/25/2008 5:30:13 PM (3396 views)
Re: Servicelink - Theresa Ritz/WV
8/26/2008 7:28:13 PM (3337 views)
Re: Servicelink - anonymous/WA
8/26/2008 8:57:09 PM (3347 views)
Re: Servicelink - PHILIP YIANILOS/VA
9/1/2008 8:11:15 AM (3163 views)

8/23/2008 10:59:22 AM (3191 views)
Re: ABSTRACTS USA - charles jetter/OH
9/3/2008 7:41:54 AM (2914 views)

abstractor lien? - Cynthia Roakes/VA
8/22/2008 10:13:56 AM (3605 views)
Re: abstractor lien? - Kevin Ahern/CT
8/22/2008 10:37:28 AM (3197 views)
Re: abstractor lien? - Robert Franco/OH
8/22/2008 12:58:49 PM (3241 views)
Re: abstractor lien? - Brian  Worthington/OH
8/25/2008 6:46:48 AM (2868 views)
Re: abstractor lien? - Matthew Sharpe/OH
8/25/2008 8:42:40 AM (3005 views)
Re: abstractor lien? - Kevin Ahern/CT
8/25/2008 11:38:26 AM (3022 views)
Re: abstractor lien? - Brian  Worthington/OH
8/25/2008 6:47:32 AM (2837 views)
Re: abstractor lien? - Matthew Sharpe/OH
8/25/2008 8:22:22 AM (2934 views)

What is it with Infinity? - Kevin Ahern/CT
8/21/2008 12:06:15 PM (3478 views)
Re: What is it with Infinity? - Sandra Morton/KS
8/21/2008 12:12:27 PM (3327 views)
Re: What is it with Infinity? - John Killary/NH
8/22/2008 1:06:28 AM (3064 views)
Re: What is it with Infinity? - charles jetter/OH
8/25/2008 7:55:41 AM (2886 views)
Re: What is it with Infinity? - Jessica Talley/NJ
8/21/2008 2:26:25 PM (3129 views)
Re: What is it with Infinity? - Kevin Ahern/CT
8/21/2008 3:17:13 PM (3088 views)
Re: What is it with Infinity? - Matt Papsch/MD
8/21/2008 4:35:09 PM (3038 views)
Re: What is it with Infinity? - Kevin Ahern/CT
8/21/2008 4:44:23 PM (3014 views)
Re: What is it with Infinity? - David Bloys/TX
8/21/2008 9:54:48 PM (5518 views)
Re: What is it with Infinity? - Jay Duncan/MO
8/22/2008 4:39:47 AM (2932 views)
Re: What is it with Infinity? - Kevin Ahern/CT
8/22/2008 5:27:37 AM (3008 views)
Re: What is it with Infinity? - charles jetter/OH
8/25/2008 7:57:01 AM (2852 views)
Re: What is it with Infinity? - Christopher Denham/GA
8/23/2008 10:10:44 AM (2808 views)
Re: What is it with Infinity? - Jessica Talley/NJ
8/23/2008 9:02:12 PM (2941 views)
Re: What is it with Infinity? - Patricia Turley/MI
8/25/2008 6:44:03 AM (2833 views)
Re: What is it with Infinity? - charles jetter/OH
8/25/2008 7:58:41 AM (2867 views)
Re: What is it with Infinity? - STEVE MEINECKE/TN
8/25/2008 8:58:50 AM (2896 views)
Re: What is it with Infinity? - Wanda Steudel/OH
8/25/2008 4:23:48 PM (2930 views)
Re: What is it with Infinity? - george Hubka/MI
8/26/2008 6:31:57 AM (2779 views)
Re: What is it with Infinity? - STEVE MEINECKE/TN
8/26/2008 8:49:14 AM (2774 views)

OAITA - Anonymous/OH
8/20/2008 10:45:54 PM (6245 views)
Re: OAITA - Robert Franco/OH
8/20/2008 11:25:21 PM (3205 views)
Re: OAITA - Diane Cipa/PA
8/21/2008 11:44:31 AM (3140 views)
Re: OAITA - Rob  Robinson/PA
8/21/2008 11:51:48 AM (3190 views)
Re: OAITA - Mark Behnke/MO
8/21/2008 12:01:57 PM (3250 views)
Re: OAITA - Diane Cipa/PA
8/21/2008 2:17:56 PM (3231 views)
Re: OAITA - Rob Holman/OH
8/22/2008 2:27:25 PM (5490 views)

RealtyData Corp / Datachek - Michael Vernon/AZ
8/20/2008 6:24:19 PM (3490 views)
Re: RealtyData Corp / Datachek - Dan Zook/NY
8/21/2008 11:49:04 AM (3286 views)
Re: RealtyData Corp / Datachek - charles jetter/OH
8/25/2008 8:00:42 AM (3007 views)

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