If you want to learn more about taxes, I'd recommend the IRS Link & Learn Taxes tutorial. It was devised to train people to volunteer to with the VITA program (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance). Some of it is a little corny, but they have a Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced tutorials that cover a lot of tax issues.
It is very time consuming, though... if you really take the time to read and understand it all, you could spend 20+ hours on the tutorials. I know a few people who told me they breezed through it in a few hours, but I think I spent about 8 hours on the Beginning tutorial alone.
The purpose is to train people, who will work under supervision at VITA tax centers, to help low income taxpayers with the process. I figure if it is good enough to train people to get started preparing other people's tax returns, it would be a worthwhile tutorial for people who want to know more about their own return.
I was going to volunteer at the VITA center at our campus, but I was just too busy with other school work at that time to finish the tutorials. I am hoping to be able to do it next year. I have some friends who volunteered and they enjoyed the experience. They really felt that they learned a lot, too.
Robert A. Franco
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