Wow, simplifying the tax code would be great. I am by far not the smartest person on the planet but I feel I am not dumb either. I can tell you I am very confused by taxes and the IRS. I went to the IRS website for help and got more confused. So, I went to TurboTax and poof - done. Now I just pray that TurboTax knows what the heck it is doing.
Obama and McCain will say what ever they can to get the votes. They both have a "plan" for getting us back on track. The problem is implementing it!! Didn't daddy Bush use the "no new taxes" slogan to get elected? It worked for him too. Then he turned around to the people and said ah, gee, we have no choice we tried to find other money, etc, etc, etc. But the good ol' boys got all the breaks they needed over the years and the little guy, like me can't seem to get a foot forward.
Taxes are inevitable - one of 2 things you have to do in life- the other is to die. Until the little people band together and take control like our fore fathers did and demand, insist and in some cases die for change, it ain't never gonna happen. Don't get me wrong, I am not talking about suicide missions or anything of the sort but our duty to the "Republic for which We Stand" is to "promote the general welfare and secure the Blessings of Liberty" is stated in the Preamble to the Constitution. I just don't see how our congress has the best interest or the general welfare of the people in mind when they are being bought by contributions from the rich. How many of you have evern gone to one of those special apperances. Can we afford the $2500.00 plate just to get in to maybe catch a glimpse. The little people get shut out and our voices never get heard. The oil and gas contributions are out of control and most of the time well hidden under other names or shell corporations. I am sure there are other big contributors who have escaped me today. You know it is a bad day in the world when the only reason you think about having children is to get a tax break. It feels terrible to think that way and alas I still have not had any children (yet another story) due to the state of the world today.
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