I, too, received the same letter. Attached to it were copies of all the outstanding invoices of mine that to date have been left unpaid. What is confusing is that there was no other mention of how the invoices were scheduled to be paid. Was this their way of acknowledging the outstanding debt (for the purpose of a future bankruptcy filing), a notice that all outstanding invoices would be eventually be paid or just letting me know that this is the amount I should write off as bad debt? I have received four similar letters from other title companies in the month of September alone. I am tempted to change my standard of "net 30 days" to a "net 10 days" if I thought it would make any difference. However, I find that "net 30 days" to a title company means that they have 90 days to make payment. Whereas I have always tried to be understanding of the change in the market and work with clients experiencing difficulties, I recently instituted the policy that anyone with orders that are outstanding for longer than 60 days (I know, what took you so long) would have no other work performed until payment was received. Unfortunately, these companies will just turn to using someone else. Would it be possible for someone to start a notification list of slow pay/no pay customers?
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