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ARRR!!!! - Deborah Manion/VA
9/17/2008 3:36:12 PM (4457 views)

[+] NET10... - Robert Franco/OH (10 replies)
9/17/2008 2:57:59 PM (3346 views)

[+] AFX Corp ??? - Scott Aduddell/MO (10 replies)
9/17/2008 9:17:20 AM (3652 views)

[-] Taxes made simple - Tax Man/MO (24 replies)
9/16/2008 5:11:14 PM (3101 views)
Re: Taxes made simple - Slade Smith/OH
9/16/2008 7:14:39 PM (6522 views)
Re: Taxes made simple - george Hubka/MI
9/16/2008 9:35:39 PM (3819 views)
Re: Taxes made simple - Robert Franco/OH
9/16/2008 11:48:42 PM (3684 views)
Re: Taxes made simple - Slade Smith/OH
9/17/2008 1:07:45 AM (6267 views)

Obama is most certainly not proposing a tax increase for those "at or near the top half" of American taxpayers.  Obama's tax plan has no income tax increase for any individual earning less than $200,000, nor any family earning less than $250,000.  So only the top 2% of earners, not the "top half" would see a tax increase.  And the increases would be modest-- the top marginal tax rate would be increased from 35% to 39.6%.

Obama's tax plan tax would cut taxes for 95% of workers and their families.  Obama's tax plan also includes many tax cuts and tax credits that could benefit small entrepreneours such as independent abstractors.  His tax plan would eliminate the capital gains tax for small businesses, which would benefit any abstractor who owns their office and will eventually realize a capital gain when they seek to sell that property.  For independent abstractors who provide health insurance to their employees, the Obama plan includes a 50% tax credit to small businesses on employee premiums paid by the employer.

Obama's tax plan is here.  If we're going to talk about politics on this title industry board, let's at least talk about the candidates' actual proposals and how they affect the small entrepreneurs that make up the bulk of the participants here.


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Re: Taxes made simple - george Hubka/MI
9/19/2008 7:16:46 AM (3730 views)
ROFLOL . switching to scotch - Bobbi Shorthouse, Notary Public/CT
9/18/2008 12:47:23 PM (3658 views)
Re: ROFLOL . switching to scotch - Clanci Nelson/OH
9/22/2008 3:49:43 PM (3691 views)
Re: ROFLOL . switching to scotch - Robert Franco/OH
9/23/2008 10:46:00 AM (3592 views)
Making Taxes Simple - Scott Perry/PA
9/23/2008 11:44:42 AM (6234 views)
Re: ROFLOL . switching to scotch - george Hubka/MI
9/24/2008 5:40:06 AM (3580 views)
Re: ROFLOL . switching to scotch - Robert Franco/OH
9/24/2008 2:29:15 PM (3605 views)
Re: ROFLOL . switching to scotch - Scott Perry/PA
9/24/2008 3:44:53 PM (3671 views)
Re: ROFLOL . switching to scotch - george Hubka/MI
9/24/2008 10:50:15 PM (3551 views)
Re: ROFLOL . switching to scotch - Robert Franco/OH
9/25/2008 12:09:41 AM (3448 views)
Re: ROFLOL . switching to scotch - Scott Perry/PA
9/25/2008 6:51:10 AM (3543 views)
Re: ROFLOL . switching to scotch - Robert Franco/OH
9/25/2008 10:30:57 AM (3442 views)
Re: ROFLOL . switching to scotch - Kevin Ahern/CT
9/25/2008 12:27:35 PM (3602 views)
Re: ROFLOL . switching to scotch - george Hubka/MI
9/25/2008 2:45:26 PM (3497 views)
Re: ROFLOL . switching to scotch - Scott Perry/PA
9/25/2008 4:32:07 PM (3522 views)
Re: ROFLOL . switching to scotch - george Hubka/MI
9/25/2008 2:36:45 PM (3464 views)
Re: ROFLOL . switching to scotch - Robert Franco/OH
9/25/2008 2:55:39 PM (3417 views)
Re: ROFLOL . switching to scotch - Clanci Nelson/OH
9/26/2008 3:28:33 PM (3551 views)
Re: ROFLOL . switching to scotch - Robert Franco/OH
9/26/2008 3:46:58 PM (5628 views)
Re: ROFLOL . switching to scotch - Clanci Nelson/OH
9/26/2008 3:52:05 PM (3485 views)

[+] Independent Agents: Save the date, Oct. 6... - Robert Franco/OH (4 replies)
9/16/2008 11:24:14 AM (4846 views)

Real Title Services

[+] American Abstract - Robin Ramberg/MI (9 replies)
9/16/2008 2:02:08 AM (3454 views)

[+] E &O Insurance - Matthew DeLand/NY (3 replies)
9/15/2008 8:36:00 PM (3262 views)

[+] What are some of your thoughts on the Lehman's situation? - Vikki Moffitt/GA (3 replies)
9/15/2008 2:08:01 PM (3069 views)

Advanced Title - Karen Neal/CT
9/15/2008 8:08:52 AM (2725 views)

[+] LATE SEARCH PENALTY - ARE YOU KIDDING ME? - Jill Kissell/IA (19 replies)
9/12/2008 10:18:53 PM (4137 views)

[+] Let the takeover of the market begin - Jackie/OH (4 replies)
9/12/2008 6:35:55 PM (5213 views)

9/12/2008 3:06:15 PM (2984 views)

[+] Texas Pioneer Title Agency - Mark Walker - Kurt deVries/FL (4 replies)
9/12/2008 10:13:15 AM (6871 views)

[+] ABSOLUTE PROPERTY SERVICES - Robin Ramberg/MI (8 replies)
9/11/2008 10:09:37 PM (3508 views)

[+] American Freedom Assurance - Jennifer Knott/PA (1 reply)
9/11/2008 4:51:20 PM (3162 views)

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