It is my understanding that in order to be helped by this so-called bailout, I call it theft, you have to be current on your mortgage. I think this won't generate work for us, because our all-knowing government will modify these loans, and that does not require a title search. The first time I go into a courthouse and see a mortgage modified, reducing the amount of the principal and interest rate, for a idiot that should not have gotten a mortgage to begin with, I intend to call my mortgage company and have a serious talk. I am soooo utterly pissed off about this. I work foreclosures every day, for FnMA too. I searched a title for foreclosure last week. These people bought a house in 2005 for $205,000. It is now assessed at $140,000. The got 100% financing. In 2006 they got a 125% loan for $251,000. These people did not have a dime in this property. It is now empty, and being foreclosed. It is listed with a real estate agent. I called out of curosity, and the agent told me it was a great deal. The bank would take a short sale for $200,000. WHAT A DEAL!!! And I am suppose to feel sorry for these people!!!! Get a grip.
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